Good morning everyone landlord and tenant agreement I am trying my best as a human being I keep updating you with my progress in my country they are laws and some people do not follow the law in Guyana it is against the law to take someone stuff and put it on the street as a landlord and my landlord behaves as if she is above the law she has threaten me twice just now and I have a recording for a previous phone call rent is always due on the first of every month I said since I have no other apartments as yet can I pay rent on this one until I get my new place she refused to take the money and now as we speak she is saying I should get out of her place because she needs the place I have a security deposit aswell I have the rent I am not getting apartments she's sending family to throw stuff at my place I have no one to represent me I have nothing but clothes and a washing machine beds I begged for more time just because I have no one to represent me I can't get justice she said I don't want to embarrass you meaning throwing my things out I am going to be at work the children gets off before I do come here why is this happening to me only me pleaseee pray for me it's everyone taking advantage even at work if this continues I will have no job what will I feed my children I am so tired of this in Justice this is a contract agreement by herself and my son father he' no longer lives here so he helps by paying the rent only when I come online and ask for prayers so I am asking now please pray that I don't gt embarrassed and homeless please pray that I find a place and justice is served