Good morning everyone exam was postponed to next week starting from Monday I am not getting the part how we calculate money please pray that I do understand and stay focus they are so many distractions around me I am pushing as hard as I can to keep saving towards a apartment right now before the month ends please pray for my children obedience messy in the home please pray that I won't be stabbed in the face or burned with acid one agent is threatening to do that to me because of a miss understanding she mentioned this inside of work that would stab me in the face she also carries a knife around outside of work she told someone she would throw acid in my face and burn me she has the whole class against me she is hanging with a group of 6 person's I fear for my family and myself since my child my daughter is being mentioned. If they can't get to me they will get to my daughter. Please pray for me every day I sit in the class they are throwing hints and speaking as if I report to the trainer what they say I don't I was even given a name CEO I ask that you pray for my safety my name is diandrea please pray for us to keep the peace among them