Prayer Warrior
Good evening my group friends I am having a problem where i stayed in a flat we pay parking fees here ..I've got a car but the people by office have a personal issue with my they forever have a problem when i ask John to drive the car in even if i have a parking disc on it .. i email today and made a appointment with them tomorrow because i want to know why only when John comes in with the car they don't want my car inside even if i paid for it . There is people staying here that don't pay parking fees,or there friend comes sleeps over than no one have a problem the security don't even check . But only when it's my car then there's a problem it's seem for me that's a personal issue against me and i pay my rent and parking fees every month before time . Please pray for me when i have the meeting with them that God must but the right words in my mouth and that they must stop making me unhappy here. And also pray for John we spoke and he said he made up his mind that he chose me .. Please pray for all these issues for me please
Thank you Wendy