Good Evening Brothers and Sisters, today's prayer requests are for the Parkinson's Disease Community and the research and development side of 'finding a cure'. Neuropore Therapies and their drug trials for NPT 1220-478; Longevity Biotech and the trial study of LBT-3627, and the advanced inflammation studies in the human brain; Denali Therapeutics, Biogen, AC Immune, Hon. Dr. Jamie Eberling, and their research and development of scans tracking the lrrk2 pathways and the scans for tracking the disease on images and in the human genome. The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Disease Research and their very needful contributions towards a cure for the disease. The Ken Griffin Alpha-Synuclein Imaging Competition, and all of the scientists viaing for that crucial financing to find a cure. The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Disease Research and the Parkinson's Progressive Marker Initiative. The Parkinson's Foundation PD GENEration DNA study to find a cure. May the Almighty Creator, guide, direct, protect and illuminate your every pathway. Amen, Ameen, Amin, Amun, Aum..