Prayer Partner
Good Evening all hope you can help me to understand For a very very long time I pray for my son Morne and my daughter Claire and her son Jayden But I just don't see any breakthrough in their lives I ask the one online preyer request to pray for us to another prayer group online but nothing is happening This morning I ask a friend a child of God Please explain why I pray and pray for my son Morne and my daughter Claire and her son Jayden But I cannot see anything happening I can't see any change from previous posts nothing She replied it very difficult to say but The devil can have legal rights on our family it can be in our bloodline its difficult to say she said we must sit together so that we can get to the root of the problem I went for Liberation from curses as well as Claire my son Morne see a pastor well known to us every week Why do God not answer my prayers Please answer me All your people from the online prayer request list . I need to know