Good Early Morning Brother's and Sister's, The prayer request and the reading comes from something I was researching this early morning. The United States Department of Treasury and the Terrorist Finance Tracking Program. My mind drifted over to Ephesians 4:27-I read from the Holy Bible from the Aramaic of the Peshitta. 'And do not give the devil the opportunity'. then that led me to other scriptures, related to Eph. 4: 27..James 4:7, Eph 6:16, 1 Peter 5:8, Acts 5:3, Ephesian 6:11..One nephew was speaking with another nephew (the older of the two). One stated that I was an Anarchist. Far from it, but his point is well taken. I may as the Christian Scriptures relay: 1 Timothy 1:1-2-'I beseech you, therefore, first of all to offer to God, petitions, prayers, supplications, and thanksgiving for all men, For kings and for all in authority; that we may live a quiet and peaceful life, in all purity and Godliness'..But one must never underestimate, the quietness in speech, as stories are relayed one to another..I come from the United States Army and we 'Love the Old Testament'. Thank you to the Presidential prayer team,, the you to the United States Department of the Army. The United States Government-never negotiating with terrorists. The United States Department of Defense. Bless the United States Department of Education-as they continue to work with the late bloomer who don't know their hindparts from holes in the ground-but we give them latitude to be themselves. As the Ancients have also relayed-'It wouldn't be uncommon for the man of many years, to ask the child of just a few days-the meaning of life and he shall live.'..Bless you for your prayers of agreement, and please keep your eyes on the word of God. One God many paths. Don't let this human man and mind distract you from your ultimate goal. Don't let your love of God, lapse like you would a life insurance policy. God's ways are not our ways. Put on the whole armour of the Almighty Creator, as you battle your own demons.Let it go and let God work a miracle in your lives as well. Take care Brother's and Sister's and thank you for your prayers.