Good blessed morning. Thank you God for the new day you have given. May the name of Jesus be lifted up and exalted. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain. Holy Holy Holy. All praise and glory to our Messiah forever and ever. The blood of Jesus covers us and it is enough.
May we continually stay in prayer and seek him deeper. From glory to glory may we transform into a closer picture of Christ. And Lord bless and protect every person reading this. Mentally physically emotionally spiritually financially socially, in our work and in our daily family lives. We seek to please you in our labor and servitude to others. If there are obstacles, remove them. Heal and deliver us from evil and demonic spirits.
May we please you in all that we do and may you gift us talents and spiritual gifts, as well as strength from your mighty right arm. Send us your Holy Ghost so he may dwell in our temple to guide us, comfort us and more. Please Lord God, you also know our petitions on behalf of others, and our personal needs. You know it all before we even ask. Help us Lord, we cry out because we are weak and foolish without you. Grant us your favor and mercy and grace.
Thank you for taking our sins and illnesses and wounds and all burdens on the cross. We died with you and we died to our old life. No more pride, rebellion, bitterness, anger, resentfulness, legalism, self sufficiency, self security, self assurance, or boasting. You are our Everything now. By believing in you we have risen to a new life in Christ. Old things have passed away. No more guilt or shame of our old sins. No more lies of the enemy. It's no longer us who live, but Jesus who lives in us and through us. May we boldly with faith claim our inheritance and our blessings that you offer.
Reveal any barriers in our lives and be our strong mighty fortress. May we examine our lives and motives and do away with any idols or distractions. May we flee temptations right away. Lord heal us from the hairs on our head to the souls of our feet. Prepare us for the road ahead. Never leave us. Please show us more of your grace and miracles and mercies, and shine your light into our hearts. Change our naturally selfish and twisted desires and give us the power to please you. May all darkness flee since we are united with Jesus Christ.
We yield ourselves and give you all our wants and dreams and ambitions. May your will be done instead of ours. Thank you for hearing us, we believe you will finish this good work that you started in each of us who receives you with all our heart. In faith we give and receive. Graft us into your vine and seal us with your Spirit for salvation. Hallelujah and Amen.
May we continually stay in prayer and seek him deeper. From glory to glory may we transform into a closer picture of Christ. And Lord bless and protect every person reading this. Mentally physically emotionally spiritually financially socially, in our work and in our daily family lives. We seek to please you in our labor and servitude to others. If there are obstacles, remove them. Heal and deliver us from evil and demonic spirits.
May we please you in all that we do and may you gift us talents and spiritual gifts, as well as strength from your mighty right arm. Send us your Holy Ghost so he may dwell in our temple to guide us, comfort us and more. Please Lord God, you also know our petitions on behalf of others, and our personal needs. You know it all before we even ask. Help us Lord, we cry out because we are weak and foolish without you. Grant us your favor and mercy and grace.
Thank you for taking our sins and illnesses and wounds and all burdens on the cross. We died with you and we died to our old life. No more pride, rebellion, bitterness, anger, resentfulness, legalism, self sufficiency, self security, self assurance, or boasting. You are our Everything now. By believing in you we have risen to a new life in Christ. Old things have passed away. No more guilt or shame of our old sins. No more lies of the enemy. It's no longer us who live, but Jesus who lives in us and through us. May we boldly with faith claim our inheritance and our blessings that you offer.
Reveal any barriers in our lives and be our strong mighty fortress. May we examine our lives and motives and do away with any idols or distractions. May we flee temptations right away. Lord heal us from the hairs on our head to the souls of our feet. Prepare us for the road ahead. Never leave us. Please show us more of your grace and miracles and mercies, and shine your light into our hearts. Change our naturally selfish and twisted desires and give us the power to please you. May all darkness flee since we are united with Jesus Christ.
We yield ourselves and give you all our wants and dreams and ambitions. May your will be done instead of ours. Thank you for hearing us, we believe you will finish this good work that you started in each of us who receives you with all our heart. In faith we give and receive. Graft us into your vine and seal us with your Spirit for salvation. Hallelujah and Amen.