Good afternoon everyone I come before you because I have sick children and I am asking for prayers for them to get better I am also asking for ongoing prayers I am on leave of absence without no pay because I am falling back on my studies but here I am can not even attend because I have no money to get there I am also looking for prayers so sir would not kick me out of class this is exams week and he does not give back the exams while you miss I am asking for prayers I have projects for ### my son to hand in tomorrow I ask for prayers to get materials to honor this and also submit my work in the morning to my teacher I am asking or prayers to put my life on the right track I ask for family support to help me with my little children I ask that we all come together and help my father side of course please pray i get a good job that i would be able to support this online church Please pray that I am able to graduate and be able to know what I am doing god if you can hear me answer prayers please god my children I bring before you please help me