Servant of All
I have a friend I've been on and off again involved with. Tried staying with her, her sister and her sisters boyfriend. It never worked. After multiple tries. Their lifestyle keeps them from making good financial decisions. Let's just say them 3 together bring trouble that I don't want. Now all of a sudden they are contacting me. I don't desire to go backwards in regards to them. I know they feed off my lust. I know my desire right now is to be financially stable and be close to my kids. I don't need any distractions from the enemy. They may need help, so God watch over them. Because I have tried to help them numerous times. Even dating her trying to build a relationship. It just never worked. So I have a bond with her that I feel needs to be broken. Their names are Kristi and Kristin Powell and Alonzo Jones. But Lord shield me from myself and acting to quick on this issue. Because deep down she knows I care about her and desire to help. But it never ends well when I do.