Father, in Jesus name, I pray for your will to be done in the situation with my business. I pray for the wisdom and discernment to know what to say to the creditors I have to deal with. I pray for provision to make right the debt that we've incurred. I don't know what we are supposed to do next, if it's your will for us to keep going and trying to make things work in this business, if it's your will that we should close and file bankruptcy and move on. I don't want anything if it's not your will for us Father. I pray for humility God, and that I can rest in confidence that whatever happens, is part of your plan and will for our lives and situation. Please let there be compassion and understanding for us as we move forward. Please let our hearts and spirits be softened and willing to let go of our own desires over the situation and to be at peace with whatever you are asking us to do next. Please let us be willing to let go if that is your will, or give us the endurance to keep going if that is your will. Please give me peace Lord, in Jesus name, so that the fear and shame that keep trying to overtake my thoughts would have no foothold. I'm scared God. I know Jesus said worrying adds not even an hour to our lives, that you know our needs and will provide for them - help me to hear this truth louder than the anxiety and worry that is so loud right now. Thank you for the sacrifice you made Jesus, so that we can come to our Father with our requests and needs. That because of the blood you shed, I can experience His mercy and grace, and rest in the confidence that no matter what trial or circumstance I may be facing, I'm not facing it alone. That I am walking through it with the Lord who parts seas, moves mountains, and raises people from the grave, right by my side. In Jesus name, Amen!