Miranda T
Faithful Servant
I truly feel my life is not ok, from many prompt accidents to getting an auto immune disease, loss of family members, loss of marriage, loss of church friends and now almost most of my time is alone one person. If I was casted with spell or being bewitched for so many years, pray that God will set me free from these witchcraft, sorcery, black magic and God will protect me from any prompt accidents, unemployment, sickness and diseases, He will also bring in new relationships with God's loves and His truth in the bible. I hope you can pray for me that as I re-surrender my life to Lord Jesus today, God will forcefully be intervening in each small and big parts of my life and remove everything which is harmful to me and add in anything which can prosper my life and secure my salvation in Him. Sometimes, it is impossible to see through things by merely just my human eyes, I cannot see the hearts of people, but from the spiritual encounter I have experienced in the past 12 years, I am quite sure I have been casted spell or being bewitched by someone. I hope in my remaining days of life, God will turn my life 360 degree which a prosperous life with hope and future as he has promised and removed my name from any evil altar, destroy every evil scheme and plan in my life. In Jesus' name. AMEN