Beloved of All
“Pray then in this way,
‘Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever. Amen’” (Jesus Christ, Matt 6:9-13)

Praises & Prayers
Need to retrieve KEYS from a very tightly locked truck built to not be able to break into, please pray miracle...
Electrician and groundskeeper finally installed generator yesterday after 3 days no electric and too many clouds for significant solar lighting, PTL. Still have no electric (4th day and 5th night), but thankful for generator. Need to fill tank every 10 hours. Runs lights and fridge at night, fridge or water during day. Was on 100% candles and make-shift torches for two nights, so generator appreciated greatly.
Storm was not as severe as expected but still very heavy rains and winds for 6 straight days. Major electrical hub was knocked out about 60 km north so there's been 5 nights straight no electric, water or WiFi (until generator allowed us to re-config WiFi).
Please continue to pray for our safety and WiFi, which run off cell towers (which are on generators because of 5 day outage). PTL for sufficient gas to keep our generator safe so we are lit at night. Candles were a pain in rear because would only last 3 hrs (had 2 nights candle-duty : )
Only 1 hour of no rain but clouds today, then rain, another rainy day, then a few more hours sun -- then another monsoon for 3-4 days. Praise The Lord for the generator again and we ask God keeps it safe.
Thank you in Jesus' Name, Intercessor
‘Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever. Amen’” (Jesus Christ, Matt 6:9-13)

Praises & Prayers
Need to retrieve KEYS from a very tightly locked truck built to not be able to break into, please pray miracle...
Electrician and groundskeeper finally installed generator yesterday after 3 days no electric and too many clouds for significant solar lighting, PTL. Still have no electric (4th day and 5th night), but thankful for generator. Need to fill tank every 10 hours. Runs lights and fridge at night, fridge or water during day. Was on 100% candles and make-shift torches for two nights, so generator appreciated greatly.
Storm was not as severe as expected but still very heavy rains and winds for 6 straight days. Major electrical hub was knocked out about 60 km north so there's been 5 nights straight no electric, water or WiFi (until generator allowed us to re-config WiFi).
Please continue to pray for our safety and WiFi, which run off cell towers (which are on generators because of 5 day outage). PTL for sufficient gas to keep our generator safe so we are lit at night. Candles were a pain in rear because would only last 3 hrs (had 2 nights candle-duty : )
Only 1 hour of no rain but clouds today, then rain, another rainy day, then a few more hours sun -- then another monsoon for 3-4 days. Praise The Lord for the generator again and we ask God keeps it safe.
Thank you in Jesus' Name, Intercessor