Beloved of All
“Pray then in this way,
‘Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever. Amen’” (Jesus Christ, Matt 6:9-13)
Major request... Was swimming with family and ring slipped off and fell to a shallow bottom covered with grass-like sea weed with sponges and moss beneath. Please pray I find a metal detector as there is none but in the main city 4 hours away, unless a resort has one I can rent. I am praying to find the ring, please agree with me that it's . It's a simple gold band but of course the sentimental value is of my particular concern. Please pray for my continued faith, that I "seek and I will find" (Matt 7:7). Thank you in Jesus' Name...
Extended Family Function (Gal 5:22-23)... The family finally went home Sunday after taking the majority of the stuff they had brought along as well as taking some smaller things that belonged to me (kept cell phone charging blocks, the lighter I use to light the gas stove, wooden cutting blocks... I have fewer glasses and cups now, also a few less dishes).
We invited everyone to church but only their mother came. Worst thing that happened is after I had spent several days taking the coral and rocks from the sand and clay area, the family threw all the sea urchin shells which have spiny spikes back into the sea in the exact area I had been cleaning out. My wife refused to help me and in fact defended her family and said she would have done the same thing. I told her it was a careless thing to do and that she was just as careless as they have been. She left while I was still cleaning the sea water without telling me and went back to them and has been there the last two days. Painful she loves her family (that she ran away from frequently growing up) more than me.
I ask for grace to pray and read the Bible (Matt 6:33), open doors for the gospel (Eph 6:19), that t God opens eyes and ears (Prov 20:12), draws hearts (Ps 110:3, Jer 31:3, Hosea 11:4, John 6:44, Acts 14:1, Rom 2:4, Rom 9:16) and for the fullness of The Holy Spirit (John 20:21-22, Acts 19:5-6, Eph 5:18-19). I ask I get the place back to normal and for grace and the household would be saved (Acts 16:31-32). Grace to be a good intercessor. That wife would rise to pressing needs and duties and not just slip back into the familiarity of being a single person hanging out with her family -- We need Visa Updates, International Driver's License and other important things so that I can remain and function, legally, from a national who speaks the language -- that my wife would remember her vows and help me meet pressing needs (Titus 3:14). That everyone would be safe, open to the gospel and Christ, and be thankful for food, fun and fellowship. I ask we could watch movies together, fish, swim, sing good karaoke songs and party in a healthy, clean way. I do ask the children be supervised for safety and for the honor of God and parents (Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16, Eph 6:2-3).
Wife left her vitamins, doctor prescribed medicine and toothbrush behind.
Property owner said refund on its way 4 weeks ago, please ask it arrives and for finances. God's wisdom & timing regarding any future buying and building, "prepare work in field, afterward build your house," (Prov 24:27). Also, refund of last security deposit from former landlord and landlady, promptly.
Sister-in-law is healing well from motorcycle accident on way here two nights ago when a car backed into her causing her to take a tumble in the street (hard concrete). Repair of motorcycle and any and all losses incurred.
Right heel has been healing back so I can eventually walk on sand, coral, clay and lava rocks. "Pardons all my iniquities, heals all my diseases, crowns me with lovingkindness and compassion that my youth is renewed as the eagle" (Ps 103:2-5)
I am feeling a little worse about leaving the ocean because my wife isn't happy even 20 minutes from her family she has to literally be with them all the time.
Pray New Bank Card Arrives Soon (sent 12+ weeks ago). We asked a friend here to pick it up when it arrives at post office (cleared it with the postman -- says give it 3 months). We will express it (that would take 1 week), but to order new one from bank would be another 2-3 months. Ot has been 3 months today. They should have sent it certified. Kindly pray Bank Card sent March 4th would arrive this week and postman contacts us. Protection of bank card and finances. Thank you in Jesus' Name!
Protection, safety and blessings on my Proverbs 31 Wife and all that is within her (Ps 103:3-5). More love for her and each other (Eph 5:33, 1 Peter 3:7). Lack of nausea, energy to move, walk, swim, flexibility: Easing of painful birthing process (came specifically from God following Eve's disobedience to Adam, and thus, God) -- reversing of curse through sobriety and modesty with discretion (Obedience to Adam, and thus, God, 1 Tim 2:15, Eph 5:33, 1 Peter 3:5-6). Adam didn't get away easy, hard work which can also be mitigated through working unto Lord and enjoying your work (Colossians 3:23, Ecclesiastes 3:23). Intercessor.
Thank you again in Jesus' Name.
‘Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the kingdom,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever. Amen’” (Jesus Christ, Matt 6:9-13)
Major request... Was swimming with family and ring slipped off and fell to a shallow bottom covered with grass-like sea weed with sponges and moss beneath. Please pray I find a metal detector as there is none but in the main city 4 hours away, unless a resort has one I can rent. I am praying to find the ring, please agree with me that it's . It's a simple gold band but of course the sentimental value is of my particular concern. Please pray for my continued faith, that I "seek and I will find" (Matt 7:7). Thank you in Jesus' Name...
Extended Family Function (Gal 5:22-23)... The family finally went home Sunday after taking the majority of the stuff they had brought along as well as taking some smaller things that belonged to me (kept cell phone charging blocks, the lighter I use to light the gas stove, wooden cutting blocks... I have fewer glasses and cups now, also a few less dishes).
We invited everyone to church but only their mother came. Worst thing that happened is after I had spent several days taking the coral and rocks from the sand and clay area, the family threw all the sea urchin shells which have spiny spikes back into the sea in the exact area I had been cleaning out. My wife refused to help me and in fact defended her family and said she would have done the same thing. I told her it was a careless thing to do and that she was just as careless as they have been. She left while I was still cleaning the sea water without telling me and went back to them and has been there the last two days. Painful she loves her family (that she ran away from frequently growing up) more than me.
I ask for grace to pray and read the Bible (Matt 6:33), open doors for the gospel (Eph 6:19), that t God opens eyes and ears (Prov 20:12), draws hearts (Ps 110:3, Jer 31:3, Hosea 11:4, John 6:44, Acts 14:1, Rom 2:4, Rom 9:16) and for the fullness of The Holy Spirit (John 20:21-22, Acts 19:5-6, Eph 5:18-19). I ask I get the place back to normal and for grace and the household would be saved (Acts 16:31-32). Grace to be a good intercessor. That wife would rise to pressing needs and duties and not just slip back into the familiarity of being a single person hanging out with her family -- We need Visa Updates, International Driver's License and other important things so that I can remain and function, legally, from a national who speaks the language -- that my wife would remember her vows and help me meet pressing needs (Titus 3:14). That everyone would be safe, open to the gospel and Christ, and be thankful for food, fun and fellowship. I ask we could watch movies together, fish, swim, sing good karaoke songs and party in a healthy, clean way. I do ask the children be supervised for safety and for the honor of God and parents (Ex 20:12, Deut 5:16, Eph 6:2-3).
Wife left her vitamins, doctor prescribed medicine and toothbrush behind.
Property owner said refund on its way 4 weeks ago, please ask it arrives and for finances. God's wisdom & timing regarding any future buying and building, "prepare work in field, afterward build your house," (Prov 24:27). Also, refund of last security deposit from former landlord and landlady, promptly.
Sister-in-law is healing well from motorcycle accident on way here two nights ago when a car backed into her causing her to take a tumble in the street (hard concrete). Repair of motorcycle and any and all losses incurred.
Right heel has been healing back so I can eventually walk on sand, coral, clay and lava rocks. "Pardons all my iniquities, heals all my diseases, crowns me with lovingkindness and compassion that my youth is renewed as the eagle" (Ps 103:2-5)
I am feeling a little worse about leaving the ocean because my wife isn't happy even 20 minutes from her family she has to literally be with them all the time.
Pray New Bank Card Arrives Soon (sent 12+ weeks ago). We asked a friend here to pick it up when it arrives at post office (cleared it with the postman -- says give it 3 months). We will express it (that would take 1 week), but to order new one from bank would be another 2-3 months. Ot has been 3 months today. They should have sent it certified. Kindly pray Bank Card sent March 4th would arrive this week and postman contacts us. Protection of bank card and finances. Thank you in Jesus' Name!
Protection, safety and blessings on my Proverbs 31 Wife and all that is within her (Ps 103:3-5). More love for her and each other (Eph 5:33, 1 Peter 3:7). Lack of nausea, energy to move, walk, swim, flexibility: Easing of painful birthing process (came specifically from God following Eve's disobedience to Adam, and thus, God) -- reversing of curse through sobriety and modesty with discretion (Obedience to Adam, and thus, God, 1 Tim 2:15, Eph 5:33, 1 Peter 3:5-6). Adam didn't get away easy, hard work which can also be mitigated through working unto Lord and enjoying your work (Colossians 3:23, Ecclesiastes 3:23). Intercessor.
Thank you again in Jesus' Name.