God...Why? I know it's wrong to question you but...I just want to know why you're putting me through what I go through and why someone else can't. Why can't he just be perfect like my best friend's boyfriend and already be over his drugs and found you again? Why am I going through what I am? Why am I losing my family and friends to be with him? Why won't my family and friends open their Christian arms and help him come back to you, the way I do? Why does it seem like You want me with him for some reason when I'm losing everyone around me to be with him? Why does it feel / seem like he's the one for me...when he seems so bad for me? Is he part of the plan? Is he who I'm made for? Why do people attack me for being with who I love instead of trying to help him the way I do? Why do my friends and basically family tell me that he cheats on me but I ask him and his friends and his friends that hang out with me as well as him and his family if he does and they all say no? What am I supposed to believe here, God?? I just...I just don't understand, Lord. I don't understand what you want me to do. I can't stay away from him but I'm not supposed to be with anyone who doesn't share my faith....I can't and don't want to stay away from him...I want to help him...I know I can't help someone who doesn't want help and I know I can't make him change. Lord, just please...give him the nudge in the direction back to you...God, please...Give him wisdom, give him guidance, give him strength...Lord, please. He's struggling extremely badly right now and I know it doesn't matter if I want him to struggle anymore or not if he is resistant to you and is against you...but please, Lord. He just needs help. I need help. Please...We, as a couple, need help...Just, please God, send me some signs or signals as to what I should do. Should I go ahead and give up on him to get my family and friends back? Or should I do what I feel like you're telling me to do and want me to do and stay with him and keep trying to bring him back to you along with me? What do I do? Please...Help Me. Speak to me, some how. Please.