Beloved of All
God where are you ? Take this sickness form my son Joseph Patrick. If we ask we shall receive! When! You left us here alone , With no answers no way to know the truth. And now I know the truth , I pray to you I ask in Jesus Christ name! I Bless your name each day, I Bless your beloved Israel every day. I know All these religions are not of yours ! You have let your son do what ever he wishes here to who ever he wishs. You have let him take everything we love from us. You allowed him to place ungodly sickness on your people your creations. But why do you say you love us ! That you'll take care of us ! When! I never asked to come in to this world
! Only Jesus has that I know of! I know your son tried to take your thorn! I know many followed your son ! I know you could of ended him right then ! But he challenged you in front of all the other Angels! You wanted them to see for their self that you are the creator and king ! You wanted no one to daunting your authority our that you are the true ruling king
! So your son challenged you that he could turn every human form you that they would worship him and not you that he should be king! You and the other Angels fought your beautiful bad son ! You cased him and over one million bad Angel
down upon the earth
! To do as they please to the humans to make them turn from you! Humans your creations the ones you say you love the ones made from ash and dust! We have no power over these God like Angels . But yet you gave these fallen son's the power over you beloved humans! Father I love my son as much as you love
yours! I know we are not to fear death that you will bring us back if we believe in you and Jesus and I do. But your my God my Father show pity on me Father ! Your son took my brother when I was just seventeen , he was my brother,my friend,my dad, he always made me laugh, he was the sun shine in my life. I have never been the same! Yet again when I thought my life would get better. You allowed him to take my infant again you didn't intervene for me! Now Lord I pray you to intervene for my son Joseph Patrick please father grant him a complete healing! Let him bless my family s blood line to carry on , he's are only chance Jesus Christ please intervene With Your Father for my son Joseph Patrick! Give him his life back drive the sickness from him! Drive your brother and unclean things from my son. I ask this in your Holiest name Father Yud Hei Vav Hei Grace my son with healing ! I pray for this in Jesus Christ name that this night your Holy blood will flow through his body and he will forever be healed and your servant! Bless the Lord Bless Israel Bless Jesus Christ Amen!