(Please forbear me in any typographical or grammatical errors, I am so not perfect)
God is still in the business of “calling.” Just because you don’t understand another person’s call, does not give you authority to speak against them. I would caution you not to judge that which you do not understand. Instead of praying that God deactivate those of His calling, you may ask Him to give you a better understanding of His purpose for your own life, that He may bestow upon you a greater calling. Sometimes God tells us to be still, yet at other times He tells us to speak out, yet, in neither directive, is He first obligated to acquire man’s approval . . . NO MAN.
While wasting time trying to determine another’s legitimacy, many miss their opportunity to worship God in the way that is most pleasing to Him, GIVING from a pure heart. We give to the poor, we don’t judge them, less we be judged. And, we certainly do not steal from them, PARTICULARLY, children. Scripture says, do not say unto them, “be blessed”, yet send them away empty, saying to them, “come again another day”. NO! Those who hold the world’s goods: If you have two coats, give unto the needy one. Should there one be in your midst one who is hungry, naked, homeless, sickly, or imprisoned, you are to respond accordingly to feed, clothe, provide shelter, pray for and visit them.
I don’t like being referred to as demonic any more than Jesus did. Yet, even as Jesus hung dying on the cross, in their place, did men taunt him with such and accusations. So, I won’t complain. When Jesus appealed to the Roman soldiers, saying, “I THIRST,” it was not for His relief; He could have had anything He desired, He only needed to ask His Father. It was unto the soldiers, that a gift of mercy, in real-time, directly from the cross, was yet another opportunity for redemption offered through repentance by so much as a cup of cold water. But rather than disavowing their own arrogance and hatred, they instead, chose, in ignorance, to toss a cloth, soaked in vinegar, in Jesus’ direction. How hurtful that scenario must have been for Jesus. I mean, seriously, He’s literally dying in their place: “ . . for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” It’s not about what we know or can see; it’s about trusting Him. BUT GOD, even today, offers, to His people, the same opportunities, through the voice of His Prophets. The first order of prophecy, upon hearing, is to speak; whether written or verbal. I understand why many are leery of one who would, openly, acknowledge the gift of prophecy; for so long, man has been duped by those who only seek to empty our pockets under the pretense of prophecy. Moreover, many others have been conditioned to believe that if one is not affiliated with a certain church, denomination, have a television show, or peddle some type of proclaimed anointed prop, they are not who God says they are. Thus, people fall victim to the very scams, of which, they so vehemently and wrongly convict those who truly are gifted; only to once again miss out. PROPHECY IS FOR BELIEVERS. That proclamation is not limited to church folk.
Look, I get it, I know there are many who want that I would just keep quiet and others still who have sought and will seek vengeance. But vengeance belongs to God and He has, so many times, proven that He will in fact, set forth His vengeance to warn those who touch His anointed or harm His Prophets. But I refuse to hide in the temple, for the glory is neither for me nor you; the glory belongs to God and at some point, the warnings will cease. it’s difficult when you have a testimony, such as mine, to go along with the gift, yet, it is within that dynamic that the thorn, is indeed, manifested. It would profit me nothing, to try to take credit for that which only God has the power to do. But, the devil is cunning, he manipulates thorn, to try and shut God’s people down; he knows of man’s hypocrisies, so he attempts to differentiate our testimonies. I have witnessed, that when our testimony is deliverance from drugs or alcohol or the like, we are not only, encouraged to testify, we are esteemed for giving testimony. But, when our testimony involves the devil’s meticulously, ascribed, evil, of sexual abuse, the added element of shame and label of accuser are included. That’s a whole other level of wickedness. Sex is God’s sacred gift to man to fulfill His purpose of multiplying His Kingdom, through that which He most endears, His people. So, when the devil can cause us to defile that gift and deny God His greatest desire: A people for His praise, he plants seeds of defeat. But, the devil is now, and always will be the father of lies, who tries to use God’s Word against His own people, particularly the book of Jude (we must be discerning). I invite you to read Jude, as well, but I first invite you to start in with the book of Proverbs, and if you don't find yourself somewhere in there, then you are free to condemn me through the book of Jude or Jeremiah 30. Still, If my testimony prevents, even one other child from suffering, the evil of sexual molestation, I WILL CONTINUE TO TESTIFY AND I WILL CONTINUE TO PROPHESY. Testimony is not intended to destroy the perpetrator; the perpetrator sets that in motion himself, when he chooses to commit such a vile act against another. Testimony is yet another of God’s mercies, to break the chains that bind us, and bring the guilty to REPENTANCE. When you rail against and hurl accusation at someone for answering God’s call, you place yourself in a demonic realm. Some people set themselves and others against God’s people under the guise of “tough love,” however, you cannot, in judging others, evoke “tough love” when your actions have caused trauma to that person, or when you have not extended, to that person, true “brotherly love,” void of the expectation of repayment or accolades, as commanded by God; which is our only justification in Christ Jesus.
So then, in refusing to hand the devil any type of victory, and understanding that, it is in his sheer panic, that he sets forth such wickedness upon God’s people, I simply say: THE LORD REBUKE THEE!
God is still in the business of “calling.” Just because you don’t understand another person’s call, does not give you authority to speak against them. I would caution you not to judge that which you do not understand. Instead of praying that God deactivate those of His calling, you may ask Him to give you a better understanding of His purpose for your own life, that He may bestow upon you a greater calling. Sometimes God tells us to be still, yet at other times He tells us to speak out, yet, in neither directive, is He first obligated to acquire man’s approval . . . NO MAN.
While wasting time trying to determine another’s legitimacy, many miss their opportunity to worship God in the way that is most pleasing to Him, GIVING from a pure heart. We give to the poor, we don’t judge them, less we be judged. And, we certainly do not steal from them, PARTICULARLY, children. Scripture says, do not say unto them, “be blessed”, yet send them away empty, saying to them, “come again another day”. NO! Those who hold the world’s goods: If you have two coats, give unto the needy one. Should there one be in your midst one who is hungry, naked, homeless, sickly, or imprisoned, you are to respond accordingly to feed, clothe, provide shelter, pray for and visit them.
I don’t like being referred to as demonic any more than Jesus did. Yet, even as Jesus hung dying on the cross, in their place, did men taunt him with such and accusations. So, I won’t complain. When Jesus appealed to the Roman soldiers, saying, “I THIRST,” it was not for His relief; He could have had anything He desired, He only needed to ask His Father. It was unto the soldiers, that a gift of mercy, in real-time, directly from the cross, was yet another opportunity for redemption offered through repentance by so much as a cup of cold water. But rather than disavowing their own arrogance and hatred, they instead, chose, in ignorance, to toss a cloth, soaked in vinegar, in Jesus’ direction. How hurtful that scenario must have been for Jesus. I mean, seriously, He’s literally dying in their place: “ . . for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” It’s not about what we know or can see; it’s about trusting Him. BUT GOD, even today, offers, to His people, the same opportunities, through the voice of His Prophets. The first order of prophecy, upon hearing, is to speak; whether written or verbal. I understand why many are leery of one who would, openly, acknowledge the gift of prophecy; for so long, man has been duped by those who only seek to empty our pockets under the pretense of prophecy. Moreover, many others have been conditioned to believe that if one is not affiliated with a certain church, denomination, have a television show, or peddle some type of proclaimed anointed prop, they are not who God says they are. Thus, people fall victim to the very scams, of which, they so vehemently and wrongly convict those who truly are gifted; only to once again miss out. PROPHECY IS FOR BELIEVERS. That proclamation is not limited to church folk.
Look, I get it, I know there are many who want that I would just keep quiet and others still who have sought and will seek vengeance. But vengeance belongs to God and He has, so many times, proven that He will in fact, set forth His vengeance to warn those who touch His anointed or harm His Prophets. But I refuse to hide in the temple, for the glory is neither for me nor you; the glory belongs to God and at some point, the warnings will cease. it’s difficult when you have a testimony, such as mine, to go along with the gift, yet, it is within that dynamic that the thorn, is indeed, manifested. It would profit me nothing, to try to take credit for that which only God has the power to do. But, the devil is cunning, he manipulates thorn, to try and shut God’s people down; he knows of man’s hypocrisies, so he attempts to differentiate our testimonies. I have witnessed, that when our testimony is deliverance from drugs or alcohol or the like, we are not only, encouraged to testify, we are esteemed for giving testimony. But, when our testimony involves the devil’s meticulously, ascribed, evil, of sexual abuse, the added element of shame and label of accuser are included. That’s a whole other level of wickedness. Sex is God’s sacred gift to man to fulfill His purpose of multiplying His Kingdom, through that which He most endears, His people. So, when the devil can cause us to defile that gift and deny God His greatest desire: A people for His praise, he plants seeds of defeat. But, the devil is now, and always will be the father of lies, who tries to use God’s Word against His own people, particularly the book of Jude (we must be discerning). I invite you to read Jude, as well, but I first invite you to start in with the book of Proverbs, and if you don't find yourself somewhere in there, then you are free to condemn me through the book of Jude or Jeremiah 30. Still, If my testimony prevents, even one other child from suffering, the evil of sexual molestation, I WILL CONTINUE TO TESTIFY AND I WILL CONTINUE TO PROPHESY. Testimony is not intended to destroy the perpetrator; the perpetrator sets that in motion himself, when he chooses to commit such a vile act against another. Testimony is yet another of God’s mercies, to break the chains that bind us, and bring the guilty to REPENTANCE. When you rail against and hurl accusation at someone for answering God’s call, you place yourself in a demonic realm. Some people set themselves and others against God’s people under the guise of “tough love,” however, you cannot, in judging others, evoke “tough love” when your actions have caused trauma to that person, or when you have not extended, to that person, true “brotherly love,” void of the expectation of repayment or accolades, as commanded by God; which is our only justification in Christ Jesus.
So then, in refusing to hand the devil any type of victory, and understanding that, it is in his sheer panic, that he sets forth such wickedness upon God’s people, I simply say: THE LORD REBUKE THEE!