Disciple of Prayer
God restore our love and ways again because he loved me and wanted to be with me. He needs a heart for me and my daughter, he loved me so much. I pray that God will anoint Sam’s eyes so he can see me as God sees me &that he Will come back!Pray for him to find Jesus and understand what a loving woman God placed before him. Pray for a breakthrough,that he WILL turn back with a new heart! God make him a man after your own heart!Let him find you Jesus, bless the seed of my testimony And blessings twice. Pray That God will Bless him with a great love for me and my daughter, a father’s heart so he just wakes up and feels in his heart to return back to our Love. For god to give him Grace to come back!!! Even against all odds. And bring him back with a new heart! Our love was our Eden! Pray for mercy! Pray for Sam to feel home with me again and find Jesus. Pray for a breaktrough Against all odds