God is not telling you these things, those are demons. I have dealt with this before, because I was lukewarm meaning that I had never repented of my sins and I put God on the side. I only prayed when I was suffering. I got suicidal for two weeks and on the last day I was so angry that I finally broke that stronghold of don’t complain to God. I was on the bus so I angrily whispered “why must I suffer like this” then I said with more anger “why won’t they talk to me, they can at least say something” then I heard God say deep into my heart “I’ve been asking you the same thing for years”. Then it hit me, I did the same thing to God that the people at school did to me. Now I’ve started to have a relationship with God and I have learned so many new things and he’s still teaching me. I went from suicidal to joyful. The better your relationship with God, the most joyful your life will be.