Beloved of All
God I come to you in Jesus name. Please touch Michael and open his heart to me. I pray for a divine miracle healing for him in his heart. Father, we pray for a softening of this man's heart toward's me and that his heart would be full of love, and happiness toward me and that he would be overwhelmed with such a love that he would want to marry me, take care of me, provide for me allow me to work with him, be his housewife and be with me for eternity. Mold and shape him into a loving family man and help him to put me first, above his material possessions and money. God, you know all about it. Help him to prove his love to me and become my husband. I pray that his heart would turn to You Lord, so that the Holy Spirit, could do a mighty work in him, in Jesus' name, I pray Amen. All the glory, honor and praise to Almighty God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.