Prayer Warrior
god please hear me and help in jesus name. Let my words move her and touch her heart. may our relationship grow and blossum in your glory and name. may nothing ever come between us speak our names and delcare us as one together in your eyes. bless us bring us joy and happiness, and may no others be permitted to speak wrongly about us as we are brought together by your will, protect us and do not allow anybody to ever take what you have given us. for we are a blessing and a gift from your love and your will. bring us together bring us closer and never stop bringing us closer in love and in body. it is your will were together it is your voice that keeps us together and it is your protection that keeps us safe. we are forever and we are one beacuse of you. in jesus name please listen and work for us weave our life out with your hands. and may no persons ever come between us guard us both of our minds from straying and guard us and our bodys from others lust and temptations. In jesus name I pray you do this for you have created something so amazing only you could have done this. I thank you god with all of my heart in jesus name I pray move for me touch her heart for we are already bonded, I just wish for her to find peace and happiness in me and herself. to not seek outward validations, and to crave us to see the shelter and protection i give her and for her to value us beyond anything. in jesus name i pray this and in jesus name I beg you please speak it into existence and I will never have to worry again. in jesus name i pray amen