Beloved of All
Father God, fellow brothers and sisters from God, please pray and give me an idea how to deal with pain from your own family’s, when families should be loving and caring. Mine is not. How to cope with something that’s traumatizing and yet still hear in bullying talk. I ask God every day why He chose to put me in this family’s of hate. I wish I was in another beautiful family, who understands your pain, from your own family, but don’t have to bring it up constantly to aggravate me, I know that Jesus Christ will guide me, heal me, and God will cure my pain. This is something I never ever thought would have happened to me, I love my family’s very much, but they all have the opposite feelings for me. I’m alone, no one’s talking to me, it’s sad, but the worst pain ever in my life is what my family has done to me. Yes I forgive them all, God knows the truth to what said and did to me. Then you have your own children who should be there, comfort you no matter what, I don’t have that love from them neither. Please, please pray hard for me, I’m praying for myself as well and remain in forgiveness mode. I feel like I’m a prisoner and living in a box. What was said about me, I know that I cannot change it, I will have to live with it for the rest of my life, lies can devastate one’s life, but yet I’m praying every day sincerely from heart to ask God for a peace of mind and to hug and comfort me. Thanks my brothers and sisters from Christ who is sincerely praying for me.