Humble Servant
God is the light with which I see. God is the light. There is no conditions which the light of God cannot manifest. The light releases me from Hell. I am in love and light. Through prayer I did get a sign from Allie. Through prayer and faith I should be clear. I hold a strong pull of my heart guided faith. I woke up with a message from the universe you might say. But it came through holding the light of God. God is the light with which I see. I repeat this to myself. Everything is a miracle. I am beginning to see past my egos attempts to hold me in Hell. This isn't easy and it requires daily practice. It can be done. It requires forgiveness to your enemy too. God will answer your prayers. Never give up on your daily practice of communication between you and God. It takes effort because your ego will really make a great attempt to block your mind. God is Mind. You will hear his voice from deep down inside yourself. It's not audible like a human voice it's more of an impression. But you'll hear and feel IT at the same time. I've searched for the answer to my questions for many years. But it comes up when you really desire to know God. Praying constantly. Asking Him then waiting silently and calmly. Trust in your presence of solitude and you'll slowly slip into God consciousness. Again you must detach yourself from your ego thoughts. I had to go through a very difficult situation to find peace. I had to surrender to my deep heart to God. My inner being. I blocked everyone that wasn't in God consciousness or faith consciousness. Nothing was more important than God. This was very difficult because I do love my friends but upon examination I discovered that maybe they weren't even really good friends. They didn't have the best morality. I don't mean I'm judging them for that but they didn't believe in God. I really needed to raise my thought vibration to my deep desire to raise my heart frequency to God. I needed to know myself and love myself. Everything began to change but it was very emotional. Very very hard to keep going on. I wanted to die. I prayed for death. I realized that I was dying to my old self. My illusion of the world and everything I called my life. I was holding on to everything but God. So I decided to embrace it and get rid of everything from my past. This has taken me months. It was all in storage just sitting there. So each day I gifted my belongings to people. Expensive and precious things. But it was just stuff. I started to feel free. I was gifted with the gift of giving!!! I have kept a few things but I think I'm going to give it all away. It's totally unconditional love. I only love God and my friend/wife Allie. And she doesn't even know it. But she is worth more to me than material things. I think that's what God spoke to me. That I'm worth more to Him than my accomplishments and actions. That He loves me for just me. I became so grateful for this realization that I am being blessed now in miraculous ways. I am deeply grateful for the lessons. Was the pain and struggle worth it? Yes it was. It's weird but it is part of the way God wants me to become my own man. I've faced tremendous adversity. I have been in desperate times. But this is where things start to get better and better. Allie is going to pull through. At some point she'll have to reach out to me. I have to get ready and be in strong shape and faith. If it can Happen for me it can happen for you. I truly want you to be happy and free and blessed by God. Love is the only way. Forgive yourself and even old friends and family. Love is real. Love is God. Will you continue to pray for me? Pray for Allie and her family? How much it means to me because you're willing to help me with this matter. I am asking for your prayers. God is working in your life and mine. You will be free and vindicated and exonerated and celebrated in Jesus name Amen and amen. Thank you.