Humble Servant of All
God is still on the throne please pray the Lord will show Bob agent family his new son-in-laws and grandchildren he will get to see his daughters become wise and mothers his bravery recruiter serious problem that the Lord is already intervening to get those equipment out of the house and also the critter of the squirrels that the Lord will take care of those squirrels and get him to safe havens they won't break into the house causing any damage can cause my patient any money pray for the 2:00 appointment to be victory in Jesus with a roof of the carport that the Lord will take care of that as we speak please pray for Julie's anxiety and tension and worry to lift her off and take those things away from her job pay her and do well and do some more things to benefit financially pray to Jamison open for a little while longer to have others say and pay some bills for a while and organize themselves that the Lord will prepare the gym to help in the near future in Jesus name peace pray for the Lord did not love anyone performed against her that should not prosper and not be able to do some of her old work at her old job engineer future pray for Jeezy and a wound cleansing paper form for the account to go through well and for the medical form to go through well unless you haven't had to hit any deadline or any expiration or penalties that she would be able to utilize the account properly and securely and rebuild it and change institutions in the near future and Jesus name pray for Lord and allow any weapon formed against us prosper and Jesus name pray for the Lord to take her mind off of being depressed and anxious and worried pray for us more and she together again never apart and that the Lord will put a reminder in his mind in his readings in his watch looking in his phone looking and his work that the Lord remind him of Christ is and his love for Jesus strong in Jesus papers message is to reach him and that the Lord will put his phone back on so he can see that in Jesus name pray for the Lord to allow him to contact you and let him know that those scriptures messages have lift them up and raise his spirits pray for their love for each other and the more Hampton Union to be a victory in Jesus pray for his parents to pray for G and love for an acceptor pray for Jesus time knocking herself and pray for her to get on the road to recovery back to school new work that the Lord deleted her the great kind of work that she can do when Jesus name pray for her to love their families to come together again soon and pray for and be addressed healing and she will be able to get back home soon and Jesus name and as she will get better and that the Lord will send those to help her at home and probably his car and see if you secure and pray for the Lord to take care of the financial burdens off of him for the money that will only help devil to leave him be prayful Lord to get this up and secure and be a profitable shop in the near future to take care of some extra bills and to rebuild accounts in Jesus name pray for Lord to not allowed G to be afraid to go into living room discover with the blood that shed on Calvary and Becky moms with Jesus and she doesn't have to look at the things around her that she knows that the love that she gave us and loves we gave her still strong and Jesus Christ and the grandchildren of our patients has never met the infected mom that the Lord will bring joy into his life again and lift up the depression and anxiety pray for victory in Jesus for tomorrow this week pray for the CC transactions that went through well within the fact Bob it just accounts and that they're good and Jesus name pray for victory for Jesus for the holidays for the new year pray for mrs end and not be mad at you and she understands and loving person that she'll get together with her soon and their future pray for the Lord to help her sister to get back to work and the right can work in Jesus name and the census that will be able to visit soon which he prayed for Jesus medical examination to go well who wound cleansing and her knee and pray for her eyes pray for pot pages examinations to go well for his heart for his knee for his hip for his eyes for his dental work pray the same for Julie she will get good dental work pray for you to get good dental work and I work in the near future and Jesus name and pray for the Lord's allowed to lose work to be seen as excellent that she can make an excellent living with the artistic work that she's able to do and pray for her future husband in Christ Jesus TV a strong man in Christ and a God they should be able to love him and accept it and enjoy him and Jesus name pray for the Lord is going to happen home pray for the Lord and allow any weapon formed against the hand of the home to not prosper and more Hampton Union should not prosper pray for Mr Sam Mrs j Mrs b and this is Pastor G Pastor D Pastor a pay for Mr c and family Mr r Ms Aaron family is at the family pray for Cecil the he will call his uncle and they will talk more and we'll get together with them in the near future pray for the kids that they will see Jesus that Ms cave will see Jesus Mrs Mom will see Jesus pray for any health illness that the Lord will restore and get her back on her feet again and if she time for her to transition to Jesus will be a joyful and peaceful one praise the Lord to take care of Mr m that he will announce he will make available the prayers that need to be set and Jesus name pray for Mr t's son Ezra that he was one of the people's trampled and lost in Texas for the festival pray for his transition to Jesus be peaceful one and our healing in Jesus name please pray for our policemen issue for a military people pay for RJ who travels CJ who travels pray for Charles the travelers pay for uncle Charles who knows Ross more than rossmore He talks around about him and she together again and that he prays for both of them and Jesus name does the scriptures have put the spirits up and he witnesses to Ross and Jesus name pray for the Lord for Mr Joey from Mr t for Allison for Helena for Sonny Pray for Mr Mike preview the new president of HO college and pray for Miss r at the college in DC and her sister stay in Jesus name pray for Lord to not allow me to perform against initial not prosper and Jesus name and pray for victory and let the words in my mouth and the meditation heart to be accessible on my side the Lord has strengthened our redeemer I said to watch my mom to keep the door to my lips the kind of way ever lasting pray for Mr c that he will not be inside it that the truth will come out about the things that were said about Mr c that he also will repent of the other things are not appropriate pray for Mr t that he will see the punishment and the truth must come out about his position and the things that he did was wrong pray for the other people that they will come and help and be honest with the people and the medical I mean and they law department and also pray for Mr and the Mr Jay that the Lord will get them into word of God bring them to closer to Jesus bring Mr and someone appropriate for him and Mr j for someone appropriate for him also and save their souls in Jesus name and their kitties and Jesus name I miss w and Ms w I missed to see pray for Mr H in his name and if they're both families and healing for Mrs M's parents and family and Jesus name and anyone situation any person have not been spoken of pray for the noises to stop in the Hampton home tonight is a blocking noises and Jesus name amen and amen