we have gotten to caught up in the me myself and I. God is calling us to strip strip entirely naked take off all pretentious, and self righteous trul go to those you have gossiped about and tell them how sorry you are when possible, make it right with those who are watching us and God gets the blame for how we are acting. It’s because of us that many refuse to go to His house, pick up His word! Let us not be a stumbling block for those who God are drawing unto Him.
This is my heart because I know I too have sinned against God!
I want to be forgiven as I forgive those who have done me wrong!
It’s all about Gods Kingdom!
Thank you God for reminding me of idle hands, idle worship! I repent of all my sin all my gossip, negative thinking, being selfish me myself and I it’s not about me or my feelings! Time to live as Christ is calling us home! No sin no family mess will He allow in His camp! Don’t be fooled we all sin we all fall short of His glory!
Yet, God has given us a way out of hell! Himself was beaten, ridiculed spat on! Yet, he allow it for our sakes He died and payed that price in order for you and me to be free and free indeed!
Don’t let regret, malice, jealousy, anger, unforgiveness to keep you from being forgive and washed clean by the only God, who has authority. Amen
This is my heart because I know I too have sinned against God!
I want to be forgiven as I forgive those who have done me wrong!
It’s all about Gods Kingdom!
Thank you God for reminding me of idle hands, idle worship! I repent of all my sin all my gossip, negative thinking, being selfish me myself and I it’s not about me or my feelings! Time to live as Christ is calling us home! No sin no family mess will He allow in His camp! Don’t be fooled we all sin we all fall short of His glory!
Yet, God has given us a way out of hell! Himself was beaten, ridiculed spat on! Yet, he allow it for our sakes He died and payed that price in order for you and me to be free and free indeed!
Don’t let regret, malice, jealousy, anger, unforgiveness to keep you from being forgive and washed clean by the only God, who has authority. Amen