GOD i feel like you don't hear my prayers.
GOD i feel like you don't see my tears.
GOD i feel like you don't see my broken heart.
GOD i'm growing farther and farther apart.
GOD you said ask and it shall be given.
GOD sometimes I wish I wasn't living.
GOD you said seek and you will find.
GOD it's like my entire life is in a bind.
GOD you said knock and the door shall open.
GOD my heart remains broken.
GOD i came to you with all that I have to give.
GOD i laid it at your feet and ask you to let me live.
GOD is my life worth living anymore?
GOD you have shut every open door.
GOD everyday i continue to pray.
GOD i wonder if you will hear me one day.
GOD is my prayer important to you?
GOD i don't know what else to do.
GOD most of the time i feel like giving up on life.
GOD i'm holding on to your promises hoping you say you will handle my grief and strife.
GOD you are a GOD of miracles this i know is true.
GOD i'm praying you will see me through.
GOD my time on earth is limited know.
GOD i'm placing it in your hands hoping my faith will grow.
GOD what else do you want me to do?
GOD i only wish I only knew.
GOD sometimes I wish you would not let me dream or awaken me.
GOD i'm begging thee please set me free.

GOD i feel like you don't see my tears.
GOD i feel like you don't see my broken heart.
GOD i'm growing farther and farther apart.
GOD you said ask and it shall be given.
GOD sometimes I wish I wasn't living.
GOD you said seek and you will find.
GOD it's like my entire life is in a bind.
GOD you said knock and the door shall open.
GOD my heart remains broken.
GOD i came to you with all that I have to give.
GOD i laid it at your feet and ask you to let me live.
GOD is my life worth living anymore?
GOD you have shut every open door.
GOD everyday i continue to pray.
GOD i wonder if you will hear me one day.
GOD is my prayer important to you?
GOD i don't know what else to do.
GOD most of the time i feel like giving up on life.
GOD i'm holding on to your promises hoping you say you will handle my grief and strife.
GOD you are a GOD of miracles this i know is true.
GOD i'm praying you will see me through.
GOD my time on earth is limited know.
GOD i'm placing it in your hands hoping my faith will grow.
GOD what else do you want me to do?
GOD i only wish I only knew.
GOD sometimes I wish you would not let me dream or awaken me.
GOD i'm begging thee please set me free.