God is doing some interesting things ! Praying for wisdom in a matter of urgencies got this rents paid in ful and some of last months , still need atleast 500$ learning thats nothing compared to what God wants to do! He’s so amazing! So grateful that inspire of the Church God has made sure that many are not homeless! When able to give to someone in need we should give! Don’t tell someone Oh In so sorry knowing God has blessed you with more than enough especially if that person is new to the faith! We often as the body hurt those who want to see that God cares when we refuse to open out wallets s’and not give! I too have been so guilty of this not that I’m rich ( yet) in Christ we can do so much more than pray! Not against prayer , but I want to see God people grow and I will be giving soon waiting on this job to come through! Praying for this homeless couple to step out in faith and put their application in Summa for a job! Also that the young men will quit begging on the corner and trust God that can get work even in spite of a criminal record! I’ve seen 2 men actually work hard in getting themself off the street! See Gods doing it with our help or not! He still has some fearless warrior that will dig deep and help another human being get it to safely ! So celebrate you who truly allow God to use you and shame on us me included who could have but didn’t! For now o what I can do how small or big I will dive deep and do the will of the Father! No more like warm scaredy cat ! God deserves our best! I repent for grieving the Holy Ghost he’s so powerful and what a gentle soul he truly is! Less of me Lord so much less and more so much more of you God! Love in Christ! Let’s encourage let’s help those who are about to be homeless to know we care! Just do it! No matter how small because God has given resources! Amen?