Beloved of All
lord can i pelas epelas epelas epelas ehave abreak form mothe rplease pleas epelase? ci cant do this this perosn screams all day . i jsut have hope to leave ebcuase i care for my grandma dn now i have kidyne failure.this person scrams at me all day. i jsut wna t her to stop for one goign insane. SHE screa,ms all day. all ngiht. i am false accused all day all ngiht. i cant even jsut have a glass of water caus eshe yells at me. my teeth are so damaged i cant brush my teeth i try so hard to not be aorund her btu i cant escape.someoen pelase help. my mtoher has aspergts and she doenst udnerstand tha ti cant spend every single day doign what she wants becuas ei did that for years and my heath is so bad.... i cant take care fo myslef and my grandma ebcuase every isngle day this woman needs helpw ith everythign and i have to honour mymother but i cant do this anymro ei cant take car of my severely ill grandma becaus eims o burnt out form mym other alwqays SCREMAING A TME. I ODNT KNWO WHERE TO GO. THER IS NO HELP IM IN A DIFFERENT OCUNTRY THAN THE ONE I GRE WUP IN. Iimagine being screamedat at all day every day. this perosn neve ris quiet. this person likes ot scream all day at me. i cant do this i cant . their is no help someoen help me. i cant do this my mind my body my brain my heart . i cant handle the false accusations screaing Lord stop or end my life. nobody should haev be this controlled. i cnt do it anymor. iask for oyur help to help me end my life. i cant do this anymore im goign through such a hard itme and i cneed soem quiet btut heir is neevr quiet. neevr all day she screams at me. i dotn want to honru my mother anymore. how can i do this i PLEAS EI WANT TO DIE SHE IS CONSTANTLY SCREAMING PELASE PELASE SOEMOEN I CANT OD THIS YNMROE.
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