Humble Servant
GOD I cant take living here anymore in my own house, GOD tell me am I hearing this properly I am white, do the white people around here want me to kill myself? GOD how can I get away from them? GOD am I worth saving to YOU ? GOD I sure would like it if YOU would stop them from preventing me and disciplining me as to what they don't and do want me to do. GOD this is really bad they have movie stars that look like me and they see me as some villain or threat to them in their silly little worlds yes GOD I do see them as silly GOD do YOU think the jews are out of line with me and what they cant let me do? JESUS YOU don't want me to live like this with indigestion GOD "they cant stand the united states talking for me in front of me GOD I need material help big money so I can get away from them GOD how about it I cant live here all depressed and disturbed