Prayer Warrior
I Prophecy decree declare demand into existence I get a person who can love me make me smile see me as his happiness. Return all my hard working prayers energy back
that God wanted for happiness for the world
from Joseph Samuel Riley and then Anthony Ferguson teeth God's plan then Myles Hass dreams would come true for children and the world
in anyway . God has cried through me so hard it's painful inside
. It's just a Joke what I prayed everyday it's getting worse for the children and there safety
I'm to old to jump up and I honestly don't know how many people are still jealous of God in me and want these men it's exhausting plus the kids are getting hurt and there's no hopes for marriages now I cannot see or hear even properly air its covered with weird deaf and dumbs and weird bugs weird tormenting demons energy everywhere. It's time to have my GRACE returned to me and leave the world
. Everyday I hear Kayleena Freeman Viss Shaleen Wolfinger Jessica religious weirdo Kyle Bree Kareena Gross Roger Sandra Fairres Jo Calzado Kori weird guy steals Glory Joshua Nixon his mother Lina Everything God was using for good is just destroyed with weird Jezebels these men chose over me. I need a make over I'm older then all 3. I need all my prayers returned to me immediately as there weird Jezebels kept my energy and the men serve them instead them of me. Not one of these men loved me I don't 
think I was someone who annoyed them. I didn't chose these men God did and his work was made a Joke my whole has been made a JOKE FOREVER it gets worse everyday and I'm done hearing cry anymore it's to evil
to endure plus I don't know how to stop
the weird energy that has came from all these weird blocking people killing GODs heart hopes dreams happiness and his plan. The vehicle is so messed up inside everyday it's gets worse everyday I'm more and more alone and more thieves come and steal even more from children it's just to depressing plus my marriage career air everything has just been stolen cursed and made absolute Joke for me to run everyday so these weird people can do drugs in my energy and kill kids marriages etc. Please pray my Grace is set free I'm set free anyone connected to me is set free from all these weirdos Narrator corndogssssszzzzzz who steal air hearts desires God's ordained plans marriages for there own fun time then stick anxiety hooks spirit of fear just awful evil inside instead. I have waisted my life praying for Gods will and praying for my children because they don't care about me anyways no one does. Please pray I get a new family a new vehicle a classic vehicle a really cool one that will make me happy since this has been nothing tormenting me and other people be near this vehicle I get a job that's fun
I can enjoy a hearts desire I don't smoke flower so maybe a wine tasting job something a whole new town live in and a person who will love me not want someone definitely who isn't evil
I will get someone who enjoys Netflix steak
maybe going to New Zealand one day doesn't really matter anymore either because My son was taken from me and our communication and I couldn't save it or our relationship. I just a get new life with someone who will care for me and we can get a cute place together someone who is like me not from my past if Myles Hass did love me he can try but doubtful Because nobody has been good to me that I know or cared for me they expected me to do it on my own and then they blame for everything in the world which I never caused. Please let me get someone who will make all this not matter as it's been so much all my life God is dead inside of me and just crying and Iam to over the last guy Myles Hass I feel so stupid for honoring GOD ALMIGHTY and having the weird people around me who just stole everything God was trying to do. It doesn't matter anymore if he's Mexican God's dreams are way gone now. Please pray that I get a heart again soul healed and even better then before
because I didn't ever have someone near me that was good to me. Everyone that's jealous of what God hearts desires were and still of me still make sure they loose there hair home no shower no job no husband no friends around them only thieves that come to take away everything from them until there dead inside and see the person they love in there air having sex with Kayleena and Kyle Shaleen Albert Salcedo just a bunch of weird people make sure there souls are ripped by socket until they don't have a place of peace. Make sure there reap no peace just cry by yourself you work for me your 3 and covered in deaf and dumb and don't remember your password ever. Have absolutely no money and no needs met even. Your family will be cold to you and definitely not care for you or ever check on you they will be heartless instead they will be jealous of you and anything you have. Make sure they reap what they did to me and God Almighty at least so God can know I'm free of all the weirdos and anyone innocent
. Let everyone figure it out what it means now without my Grace forever for there kids marriages and how to save them since I haven't been able in my life to succeed in anything I do it's been killed with everyone jealous of me continually. Remove all evil from me my kids family that is a good thing innocents and then help work together there's power in prayer. They don't move me anymore instead I get a whole new life new vehicle my bankruptcy goes through bankrupting the weirdos forever from me and my kids family that is a good thing innocents since nothing came to pass that's a good thing. I get someone who can call
text and wants to and not all about the way they look or whatever. A new beginning with restoration and my power prayers career air marriage air happiness dreams come true air hearts desires a new Better everything for now on so my heart is bleeding inside along with my body for the weirdos to steal all day long back with me since it's not being used for anything good at all no grace of mine for these wicked people let them not keep it let them reap Marks of hatred so loud it's like a giant shit gun
went off now in Jesus name amen amen amen amen amen