To honor, to praise, to glorify the Lord wherever we are. Our daily duty before God is to walk in the light of Jesus, following Him all the way to heaven. To live a holy and pure life, loving the Lord with all our heart, mind and soul and loving others just as Jesus loved us.
For the glory of the Lord,
We have been created.
Living text of written word.
Mercy demonstrated.
We are made a channel
To praise His holy name.
Jesus is moved to happiness and joy when He sees us singing praises to His name. Saving us and releasing our soul to honor His name is the best gift that came from His holy presence.
For the glory of the Lord,
We have been created.
Living text of written word.
Mercy demonstrated.
We are made a channel
To praise His holy name.
Jesus is moved to happiness and joy when He sees us singing praises to His name. Saving us and releasing our soul to honor His name is the best gift that came from His holy presence.