Humble Prayer Warrior
When I was bad I was good (I had relatives, friends, good health, wealth, good career except family) and when I realized being good is better than being bad so made a decision to become good but life became worst and disastrous (lost relatives, friends, health, wealth, career and already had lost family from 25 years) word of God says first seek the kingdom of God and all these things will be added. I gave up everyone and everything to follow Jesus Christ but life became miserable. How can I serve two masters. Years ago when served as a member of a renowned prayer group joining them for outreach ministry and intercession ministry once in my personal prayer I heard a voice from Matthew 7:5 and I quit the group as I found myself a big hypocrite having sin inside me and trying to teach people to come out of sin and till today I'm in my personal prayer not going to any prayer group. My day starts with Jesus and ends with Jesus what else a man like me will do who lost everyone and everything in life. Now my prayer request is God doesn't want me to sin, I don't want to sin but Satan wants me to sin. Jesus gave us two commandments, I'm following the first commandments but second commandment I'm unable to follow as I have borrowed huge financial help from my 12 friends and not paid them back due to huge loss in business and my friends are turning into my enemies, I'm causing them to sin so how can I love my neighbors. God says turn back to me and I will heal your land which I did, I'm willing to die this moment if God says but I'm not willing one moment to live in sin nor do I want Satan to lay his hand on my life as he has trapped me in "death" by next 10 days. Please pray that our loving father through His son Jesus with the fellowship of Holy Spirit release me from every bondage, break every chain around me and send His mighty power to destroy every prison cell of my life and may I walk in freedom lifting my head high for the Glory of God. I'm willing to die this very moment and Let me not bow my head before Satan but bow only before our all merciful, Graceful and powerful God.