Father, thank you for an open door which no one can shut, Rev 3:7-8. Jesus, we know no one can come to You unless the Father who sent You draws them, John 6:44. We also know that if You are lifted up from the earth, You will draw all men to Yourself, John 12:32. Father, we ask for the grace and wisdom to preach Jesus Christ crucified, 1 Cor 2:2, for the public preaching of the cross is both the wisdom and power of God, 1 Cor 1:24. We ask for the ability to clearly portray Jesus Christ as crucified, Gal 3:1, and that for our sins, being that the payment for sins is death, Rom 6:23. We ask for the magnanimous assistance of Your Holy Spirit to both convict the world of righteousness, sin and judgement to come, John 16:8, as well as enlighten the eyes of our understanding, Eph 1:17, to understand the pure and simple truth of the gospel of God's grace, the power of God to salvation, Rom 1:16. May we understand not only the power of the cross -- that the death of Christ for our sin was once for all, Rom 6:10, Heb 9:27-28, 1 Pet 3:18; but also the life he lives he lives to God. Help the redemption accomplished be explained, how a sinless sacrifice can satisfy divine judgement and impart, instead, the gift of righteousness, that we may Image God, the very way we were first created and called to do, show what God is like, Eph 5:1, in the way that The Image should look like The Original, Just as Jesus does perfectly, John 14:9, Col 1:15, Heb 1:3. May this Message spread rapidly and be glorified, 1 Thes 3:1-2, that the Word of God may be glorified in us, John 17:22, 2 Thes 1:12, and that we may be worthy of the title of being "Christians," or, "Little Christs," as we were first called in Antioch, Acts 11:26. Let the love of Christ compell us, 2 Cor 5:14-15. Thank you in Jesus' Name, John 14:13, for in Jesus Christ's are all the promises of God yes, and also, Amen, 2 Cor 1:20.
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