Humble Servant of All
God bless you, my brother's and Sisters In Christ, can you, please... lift I and my family up In Prayer, we are in-need Of your' Prayers, at this Time. Please.... Pray for our New move, to another Place to live. where we all will feel Comfortable, and have our Freedom of living, where we are now, Is causing too many health Problems, and the People living over us, is causing so much trouble, we are staying In Prayer for God to lead us out of this place, Pray for both.. Daughters Heath and I , we are in-need of a healing in our Body, In Jesus' Name, Please...Pray for this throat palpitation to leave my body, don't feel good, at all. and Pray for God to bless us, with the Finances to take care of our Expenses, we need to be gone... from this Place. It's not Good for I and my family, we been trusting Our God through this Tough Journey , But, I know, he is with us, Through it, all... Our Trust Is In The Lord, Thanks, for your Prayers for I and my family,
Sister, Carolyn
Sister, Carolyn