Humble Servant of All
God bless this weekend and my workplace. I am so tired of my job. But I dont want to lose my positive self. Please, help keep me focused on doing a good job and being positive. Keep my awake and sharp through this 13,5 hour shift I am starting in an hour. Guide me, help me be the best nurse to my patients. Let me be able to help them as theh need. Bless the ward, my patients, my coworkers and myself with patience, love, care, calm, kindness, happiness and feeling safe and seen
Bless my daughter. Keep her safe from bad influences, confusion and fears. Bless her with safety, prosperity and Your guiding light forever
Make her day filled with thrills, joy, play and everyrhing a 5 year old can dream of 
Protect us all from all evil! Keep our hearts pure and filled with You! Hold our hands throughout the day! Let us all feel Your presence! Please, let me be able to be a good mother though I cant be with my daughter this weekend due to work. When she misses me, let me be able to have a video/phonecall. Amen