Prayer Warrior
Please forgive me of my sins and hatefulness. I hope the people I have hurt forgive me and have peace and happiness. I pray that I no longer make people feel bad. Please help me to react in the best way possible to avoid heartache and conflict. Forgive me for all the mean and hurtful things I said and did. Please help me to stop thinking about the three people who rob my thoughts and give me worry and anxiety. Please let me accept them and not react negatively. I pray they will forgive me and not trigger me. I pray I get over my sister neglecting me. It hurts. Please l pray that right now she realizes all she did that hurt me. Help her see I was reacting to it. Please let this be the case for everyone in my life who feels like I did them wrong. Help me make it right. Let them reach out to me, and I beg for guidance to fix it. Please take this burden and bad feeling away. Help me to stop doing whatever I am doing wrong. Please show me clearly how to handle this situation. What should I do? It is so tense and heavy. Why is my husband so toxic? Why am I being punished? I know it could be so much worse. Forgive me. I accept my punishment. I must deserve it. I just want to know what I did, so I can stop or learn from my mistakes. I really do not understand what I did wrong, but my ex will not talk to anyone. I am the bad guy. He has no family or friends. He just wants me to chill with and be physically affectionate. He does not want me to tell him what to do. He just wants to stay on his phone and blame me for his mistakes. I do not know what to do.