Happiness Noel
Servant of All
GLORY TO GOD!!! Thank You Lord Jesus! Love to the Holy Spirit who let me sleep from 11 pm to 6:36 am in perfect sleep with no wake ups, no unease, all good. THANK TO EVERYONE WHO HAS PRAYED FOR ME. I am so grateful. Father God in Your morning compassion and fresh grace for the day let many others prayers be answered and help go to Your children. Life is hard but You are great, perfect and our solution for all things. We love You Lord!!! You alone are God. There is no other God. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. Everyone get in the habit of doing this now and stay safe in the Royal Family of the King. LOVE TO ALL HAVE A GOOD DAY!!! Sent 7:43 am EST from the east coast of the United States 3/14/2021 Sunday morning.