Servant of All
Holy, Gracious, Kind & Merciful God, Rewarder of them that diligently seek You. He that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. He who alone doeth great wonders. He that ought to be fear. He that giveth strength & power unto His people. Loving God help us to become better acquainted with Your's true character & increase in us the desire to understand what You are, what You do, what Your purposes & what You commands. Abba Father continue to energized us by Your's Spirit to internalize & apply Your's truth in our lifes. Grant us spiritual power to overcome & Your spiritual help to turn from & resist a self-centered way of life & turn to a God-centered way of life. Deliver us from a spirit of fear & give us a spirit of power, love & sound mind. God of pure & sovereign love give us a spirit of power to meet our enemies & trials with confidence, give us the power to bear up under trials, the power to triumph in persecutions. Cast out our fear & make us bold & constant. God of protection & care please give us a sound mind, a sober mind, a serious mind, empower us to be men & women of carefulness & good judgment. Give us a well-balanced mind, a stable mind under right & good influences, a spiritual mature mind in which things are seen in just proportions & right relations, a calm mind in which there is not confusion but where everythings is in its proper place. Abba Father help us to produce the fruits of Your's Spirit in us: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness & self-control. Make those fruits exist in our minds & actions. If we have those, we have evidence of the witnessing of Your's Spirit with our spirit. Father of all mercies forgive all our sins & bring a season of blessing & healing in our lifes. Hear & answer us according to Your Word & redeemed us from all our enemies & from all our adversities. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, Yours is the Kingdom, the power & the glory forever. We pray in Jesus name , the High Priest of the good things to come, the way, the truth & the life. Amen.