Beloved of All
Dear Holy Abba Father Lord God Jesus, in holy name and holy blood of holy Lord God Jesus, we bless your holy name and deeply thankful for all you have done on aldean's behalf, past, present and future; Have your holy Will, Way & Authority, with your holy divine favors in all areas of aldean's life, for aldean is really deeply suffering, struggling and a hard time getting much done for him. Lord God Jesus, in the holy name and holy blood of holy Lord God Jesus.
George Bernard Somerville has passed away due due his many ailments and other factors, for out of respect at this time,i will not produce here. Now aldean is totally alone, homeless, in danger of receiving the virus and need of real hard income, new stable home and work, Abba Father Lord God Jesus, in holy name and blood of holy Lord God Jesus , please surround many open-minded positive people good people my way to help aldean not only to get aldean through this horrific time and my bereavement, to also help aldean get a more new home and better life to help himself and get to that place where God wants aldean to become more financially independent and safe from all evils and harms from all evildoers.
As you said in your holy written word: Sit at thine right hand, while You make our enemies Your footstool.........
Rebuke, break and defeat the devil, all curses, all evil scammers, liars, thieves, neighbors polices, symrna evil police, evil state police demons, evil ccobb county haters, etc., duncan mckelvey, evil scorpions pam somerville, nicole somerville-martin, zach & ryland martin, jason somerville, kristy somerville, michael somerville, david somerville, diana somerville and all evildoers of the somerville families that are racists, haters, hates our democracy & God, very evil, they are a soulless, vile evil family of vipers and their demons, spirit of stubbornness, evil spirits and everyone evil connected to them both, that is against aldean, is after aldean's life and livinghood, with veiled threats to fully destroy aldean's life fully, and legally in their evil favors & actions against aldean, leaving aldean to become deeply suffered, destituted, destroyed and have no way to live his own life in peace; the somervilles, is a closed-minded, vieperous, racist, evil people, with no soul, living the sins of their evil ancestors, plus with no respect to nor for aldean in the honest sense, to promote evils of the devil, taking full advantages that is all areas of aldean's life; Holy Lord God Jesus, please protect aldean from them all and stop all evils of the Devil, from this evil families and duncan mckelvey and every evil actions & all their evildoers and their evil & racist hateful doctors, family members and their evil friends' actions against aldean and standing in the way of every great positive progress for aldean and stop destroying aldean's life and properties thereof; for pam, jason and nicole somerville to pay in full all monies to aldean, to allow aldean to gradually have some internet access contact and also get much time to get another place and get the needful done for and with aldean, repsectfully, Your Holy Will Way & Authority, via Your Holy divine favors so aldean be fully assisted and supplied in every way, with all needs supplied by our Holy Lord God Jesus' Holy Will Way & Authority, in the holy name and blood of Holy Lord God Jesus; Lord God Jesus, allow your holy Will, Way & Authority, with your holy divine favors upon aldean, to receive all medicines long overdue to aldean immediately, without any more holdups, screw-ups, ommissions, lies, evils, etc., so aldean ailments situations be healed and improved and aldean's health is fully restored in the holy Name and holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus; Lord God Abba Father, supply every needs of aldean and never be short, nor be without or go lacking thereof in all areas of aldean's life and spirit; Lord God, cover and protect aldean, aldean's life & aldean's many properties with your Holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus, we speak to all evil diseases, sickness and ailments in aldean's eyes & body to be rebuked, defeated and removed from aldean's body, from crown of the head, to soles of aldean's feet and whole body and aldean be made well and whole, Lord God Jesus, have your Holy Will, Way and Authority, via your holy divine favors, in the Holy Name & Holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus, for You are holy and awesome and is full control of aldean's life, not the devil, pam somerville, jason somerville, duncan mckelvey, evil scorpion nicole somerville-martin nor anyone else; Lord God Jesus, put aldean to work at all working places of employments everywhere of every direction and of online and offline, to allow every work employment pay aldean in full of all working hours, with aldean fully healthy and positive control under Your holy divine Word, Will, Way and Authority direction; bless aldean with every real full inheritance funds and needed loans, without scams, injustices, lies, etc., to fully keeping aldean financially free and independent, so aldean can help himself and be fully stable in every way, be legally protected always; to allow this prayer requests stay in full continuations, until all is fully met, in Your Holy Will, Way & Authority, via Your Holy Divine Favors, in the Holy Name & Holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus, for aldean. You are deeply blessed, holy, loved and adored, there is none like You. We bless You Holy Lord God Jesus! We stand by faith, on Your every holy word this prayer request, along with the prayer of Jabez, prayer of Positive Manifestation, Declaration & Positive breakthroughs success for aldean & all others in prayer agreement continuations on aldean's behalf, spoken & unspoken, in holy name & holy blood of holy Lord God Jesus. With endless thanks. Yes and Amen.
George Bernard Somerville has passed away due due his many ailments and other factors, for out of respect at this time,i will not produce here. Now aldean is totally alone, homeless, in danger of receiving the virus and need of real hard income, new stable home and work, Abba Father Lord God Jesus, in holy name and blood of holy Lord God Jesus , please surround many open-minded positive people good people my way to help aldean not only to get aldean through this horrific time and my bereavement, to also help aldean get a more new home and better life to help himself and get to that place where God wants aldean to become more financially independent and safe from all evils and harms from all evildoers.
As you said in your holy written word: Sit at thine right hand, while You make our enemies Your footstool.........
Rebuke, break and defeat the devil, all curses, all evil scammers, liars, thieves, neighbors polices, symrna evil police, evil state police demons, evil ccobb county haters, etc., duncan mckelvey, evil scorpions pam somerville, nicole somerville-martin, zach & ryland martin, jason somerville, kristy somerville, michael somerville, david somerville, diana somerville and all evildoers of the somerville families that are racists, haters, hates our democracy & God, very evil, they are a soulless, vile evil family of vipers and their demons, spirit of stubbornness, evil spirits and everyone evil connected to them both, that is against aldean, is after aldean's life and livinghood, with veiled threats to fully destroy aldean's life fully, and legally in their evil favors & actions against aldean, leaving aldean to become deeply suffered, destituted, destroyed and have no way to live his own life in peace; the somervilles, is a closed-minded, vieperous, racist, evil people, with no soul, living the sins of their evil ancestors, plus with no respect to nor for aldean in the honest sense, to promote evils of the devil, taking full advantages that is all areas of aldean's life; Holy Lord God Jesus, please protect aldean from them all and stop all evils of the Devil, from this evil families and duncan mckelvey and every evil actions & all their evildoers and their evil & racist hateful doctors, family members and their evil friends' actions against aldean and standing in the way of every great positive progress for aldean and stop destroying aldean's life and properties thereof; for pam, jason and nicole somerville to pay in full all monies to aldean, to allow aldean to gradually have some internet access contact and also get much time to get another place and get the needful done for and with aldean, repsectfully, Your Holy Will Way & Authority, via Your Holy divine favors so aldean be fully assisted and supplied in every way, with all needs supplied by our Holy Lord God Jesus' Holy Will Way & Authority, in the holy name and blood of Holy Lord God Jesus; Lord God Jesus, allow your holy Will, Way & Authority, with your holy divine favors upon aldean, to receive all medicines long overdue to aldean immediately, without any more holdups, screw-ups, ommissions, lies, evils, etc., so aldean ailments situations be healed and improved and aldean's health is fully restored in the holy Name and holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus; Lord God Abba Father, supply every needs of aldean and never be short, nor be without or go lacking thereof in all areas of aldean's life and spirit; Lord God, cover and protect aldean, aldean's life & aldean's many properties with your Holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus, we speak to all evil diseases, sickness and ailments in aldean's eyes & body to be rebuked, defeated and removed from aldean's body, from crown of the head, to soles of aldean's feet and whole body and aldean be made well and whole, Lord God Jesus, have your Holy Will, Way and Authority, via your holy divine favors, in the Holy Name & Holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus, for You are holy and awesome and is full control of aldean's life, not the devil, pam somerville, jason somerville, duncan mckelvey, evil scorpion nicole somerville-martin nor anyone else; Lord God Jesus, put aldean to work at all working places of employments everywhere of every direction and of online and offline, to allow every work employment pay aldean in full of all working hours, with aldean fully healthy and positive control under Your holy divine Word, Will, Way and Authority direction; bless aldean with every real full inheritance funds and needed loans, without scams, injustices, lies, etc., to fully keeping aldean financially free and independent, so aldean can help himself and be fully stable in every way, be legally protected always; to allow this prayer requests stay in full continuations, until all is fully met, in Your Holy Will, Way & Authority, via Your Holy Divine Favors, in the Holy Name & Holy Blood of Holy Lord God Jesus, for aldean. You are deeply blessed, holy, loved and adored, there is none like You. We bless You Holy Lord God Jesus! We stand by faith, on Your every holy word this prayer request, along with the prayer of Jabez, prayer of Positive Manifestation, Declaration & Positive breakthroughs success for aldean & all others in prayer agreement continuations on aldean's behalf, spoken & unspoken, in holy name & holy blood of holy Lord God Jesus. With endless thanks. Yes and Amen.