Ok it's not my literal shoes they want it's my armor but specifically my shoes of the Gospel. If you've seen my v2k recordings you've heard kids say crap like I'm evil and God is evil and you may have heard them say or sing things like shoes take off your shoes etc...
Or you may not. But I'm constantly being berated by music into my ear and mind about shoes etc... Or how I'm some sort of baby rapper or some sick thing. No it's not true so NO!
But I hear them say crap about Justice which isn't it's sick.
They keep saying I have to do as they say because some frog mouth wrote the stupid song or his name I guess Is Jeremy. I can't eat meat which is what I do and will forget them! They say how the kids own the world so I have to do as they say etc...
Which is full of S**t. But I do pray a lot for Christ to come and I use my armor to do so. So other than being afraid of Gods second coming why would people keep telling me to take my shoes off which as I stated has nothing to do with literal shoes, but
spiritual shoes. Plus to test some fake verdict. OR I hear as one word testtheverdict of which I thought earlier on was Teste Verde which was a NFL quarterback at one time.
Then they complain they can't get Justice unless I take my shoes off lots of nonsense. I mean if their verdict what ever it is was a good one and real it wouldn't matter if I have the shoes/armor on or not right?
So it means to me they are trying to judge me with wrongful judgement! For If I was guilty as they say Armor wouldn't stop that I wouldn't think.
But my guess it goes deeper as in giving up Jesus altogether.
They can't say Jesus they say Cheezes. the other thing I hear all the time is I'm seeded which is crap but using v2k hypnosis is what they mean and are trying to do and snooze I loose as in I sleep they plant their seed which is crap and or I die I loose which is crap too.
Constantly being accused of which is ok but because I pray to the lord Etc...
Video link
https://youtu.be/iEi1Z7b2UsI I disagree with what the diagrahm says though. Being aware makes you able to fight their hypnosis by using meditation and Gods word so yeah no it's not futile to resist. It's almost like the Borg if you've ever watched Star Trek.
But they fear the second coming which is the only plausible reason I can come up with which is why they'd keep asking for my shoe's or armor. 666 as well.

Or you may not. But I'm constantly being berated by music into my ear and mind about shoes etc... Or how I'm some sort of baby rapper or some sick thing. No it's not true so NO!
But I hear them say crap about Justice which isn't it's sick.
They keep saying I have to do as they say because some frog mouth wrote the stupid song or his name I guess Is Jeremy. I can't eat meat which is what I do and will forget them! They say how the kids own the world so I have to do as they say etc...
Which is full of S**t. But I do pray a lot for Christ to come and I use my armor to do so. So other than being afraid of Gods second coming why would people keep telling me to take my shoes off which as I stated has nothing to do with literal shoes, but
spiritual shoes. Plus to test some fake verdict. OR I hear as one word testtheverdict of which I thought earlier on was Teste Verde which was a NFL quarterback at one time.
Then they complain they can't get Justice unless I take my shoes off lots of nonsense. I mean if their verdict what ever it is was a good one and real it wouldn't matter if I have the shoes/armor on or not right?
So it means to me they are trying to judge me with wrongful judgement! For If I was guilty as they say Armor wouldn't stop that I wouldn't think.
But my guess it goes deeper as in giving up Jesus altogether.
They can't say Jesus they say Cheezes. the other thing I hear all the time is I'm seeded which is crap but using v2k hypnosis is what they mean and are trying to do and snooze I loose as in I sleep they plant their seed which is crap and or I die I loose which is crap too.
Constantly being accused of which is ok but because I pray to the lord Etc...
Video link
https://youtu.be/iEi1Z7b2UsI I disagree with what the diagrahm says though. Being aware makes you able to fight their hypnosis by using meditation and Gods word so yeah no it's not futile to resist. It's almost like the Borg if you've ever watched Star Trek.
But they fear the second coming which is the only plausible reason I can come up with which is why they'd keep asking for my shoe's or armor. 666 as well.