31) And they come to you as my people come, and are seated before you as my people, hearing your words but doing them not: for deceit is in their mouth and their heart goes after profit for themselves. 33) And when this comes about (see, it is coming), then it will be clear to them that a prophet has been among them. (Ezekiel 33:31 & 33)
While it is true that some prophesies do fail, ALL of God's predictions must come to pass, lest He be a liar. God is not a liar, nor does He do anything halfway. What the world is witnessing in this city, even by means of the worldwide web, is the beginning of God's process of fulfilling the Word which He predicted over this city.
In all things God is, first and foremost, TRUTH:
Did you quietly compass me about in your cars, while I slept on a park bench yesterday, prior to your game? Does God not know the intention of the heart, as it is written in the above text? I wasn't asleep. Yet, even so, the spirit of slumber is not that one sleeps - all living beings need sleep. The spirit of slumber/stupor is Spiritual apathy : an attitude of indiffernce to God's Word.
Without TRUTH, your "LOVE" is nothing more than "youthful lust" (immaturely seeking after the lust of the eye; your own selfish desires)
God did not punish Adam and Eve for "NOT" eating the apple.
Recommended Reading:
Jeremiah (The book in which this city is walking)
Ezekiel (The book after which much of my ministry is patterned)
While it is true that some prophesies do fail, ALL of God's predictions must come to pass, lest He be a liar. God is not a liar, nor does He do anything halfway. What the world is witnessing in this city, even by means of the worldwide web, is the beginning of God's process of fulfilling the Word which He predicted over this city.
In all things God is, first and foremost, TRUTH:
Did you quietly compass me about in your cars, while I slept on a park bench yesterday, prior to your game? Does God not know the intention of the heart, as it is written in the above text? I wasn't asleep. Yet, even so, the spirit of slumber is not that one sleeps - all living beings need sleep. The spirit of slumber/stupor is Spiritual apathy : an attitude of indiffernce to God's Word.
Without TRUTH, your "LOVE" is nothing more than "youthful lust" (immaturely seeking after the lust of the eye; your own selfish desires)
God did not punish Adam and Eve for "NOT" eating the apple.
Recommended Reading:
Jeremiah (The book in which this city is walking)
Ezekiel (The book after which much of my ministry is patterned)