Amen and Amen! The songs and hymns and spiritual songs He commands us to share with one another encourage and strengthen us as we listen to them and as we sing them. Sometimes the effect is immediate. I'll start listening to a scripture song (my favorites) and a deep sigh of peace is released from me before I even know it. It's like an instant reminder of who my God is, the Only God, how Marvelous He is, how Loving, How Mighty, How Faithful. Fills my mind with Truth, drowns out the lies of the world and the lies I tell myself. I HIGHLY recommend these, many are on YouTube for free.
Shane & Shane - Psalms - Volumes 1 and 2
Sherri Youngward - Scripture Songs - Volumes 1 and 2
The Corner Room - Psalm Songs - Volumes 1 and 2
God's peace and grace be with you. May He richly bless you as His truth shines upon you, dispelling all darkness!