Disciple of Prayer
Please pray for me! When I was a teenager or a young adult I grew up with a family around drinking, fighting and drugs so that basically what I learned growing up. My mother and father were alcoholics at the time which God bless and her my prayers and they stopped in my adult years well I had children and I was still getting high and drinking my baby father at the time I lost them through the system. After losing them I meant someone else and had other sons and I asked God too give me a chance to be a better mother and he did I have two amazing sons and I promise I wouldn't messed their lives up with drinking and drugs so God bless me with them and bless me with stopping me from partying and doing what I was learned! I know longer drinking or anything anymore for years bless God! Now my sons now are arguing amongst each other and it breaks my heart and I don't do well with conflict and my son hurted my feelings I never argue with them! I only want best for them and do right and not fight and arguing Please pray that we all love one another and nomore arguing or hurting each other with words! I pray my other sons that I lost when I was younger will forgive me for not being a mother that I should have too them! The lord changed my life and I will never go back to that life style again! Also mend my family who don't barely talk to me or come around me because I changed my lifestyle and I don't do what they do nomore! Sometimes I feel not loved or lost!