FORGIVE ME God for I let the enemy enter my mind,body and my life,I am not sure what else You know better, in the past through new age ,occult things I ve read and done, yoga , esoteric books,astrology,fortune telling on coffee,hands,tibetan excersises,meditation,hindu religions,believing in reincarnation,krishna,mantras to hindu idols,listening to new age music,budha,being maried to a muslim and all other things of that sort,posessing icons and praying to saints and Mary,going to people who claim to be healers ,but not in Your Name.I renounce all that again .Please Father forgive me,and restore my mind back to me,let Your eternal presence live in my mind, soul,body and spirit and You take full charge over my life and expel every demon and evil spirit out of my life ,locked them up and never let them be free again.Let Your Wrath be on them for whatever they have done to me .Lord Jesus come into my heart,IJNA.
Praying with you now.

Here's my testimony poem, if it can comfort you.
My testimony.
"Today is the day of salvation!"
I got this Divine information,
while participating in a service
as a young woman of age,
when I still was in the adversary's cage.
The preacher called us forward,
to repent and receive the Lord,
but I sat there as a coward,
didn't dare to get on board!
Suddenly, these words he did share,
"There's a young woman here,
which desires to come forward,
but you do not dare.
Come now, and let the Lord come in, so He finally can remove your sin! It is in His loving will, so His plan for you He may fulfill."
Immediately, I knew it was to me,
and at this time I was very shy, you see. But I just felt a Divine power and boldness, urging me up and forward, overcoming my cowardness!
That glorious even, I invited
The Lord into my heart, and He has promised to never be apart.
He filled me with His marvelous peace, so that all the fear within me had to cease.
Some time after this, I did realize,
that in The Holy Spirit I should baptize; receive His power into my life, so I not in my own strength had to strife.
One even in prayer I sat, I considered that it all for me was pat.
So I started to thank Him that He had given it to me,
before it had come to be.
Suddenly a new language I felt inside of me, urging me to let it free. So I opened my mouth and let it come out!
Oh, such glorious release, full of His love, joy and peace!
At last, bornagain I had became ;
a new creation in the Lord,
never again the same!
I felt so vividly alive then,
just as a brand new woman.
Was it really so simple? I recall;
it is amazing Grace above all!