Beloved of All
Forgive me for being mean and taking my anger out on every one. Only You can help E to understand. Protect me. Keep me safe. Help me to forgive and forget. I need to take care of myself. Why does he not understand what he is doing? He is angry with me because I stay on him to fix the problems he caused. A divorce is my only option to prevent him from ruining my life. Why does he think I am wrong? I am not cut out for this. Please do not let him cause me to lose my house or money. I was I wrong to say and think those negative thoughts. I do not know why I am acting out, but I feel better when he is gone. I cannot believe what he asked me. If I am wrong, please show me. Help me to stop thinking about him. I have no expectations. I was wrong to think he and I could live together. I feel more alone when he ignores me in this house. I hope he will forgive me for mistreating him. I would like for him to give me a sincere apology. I hope he will continue to get help. I pray that I can afford to be on my own. I am sick of people ignoring me. I want to forget him. I want this problem to go away. I am glad he left and finally gave me the key. I know he is not going to do anything. I pray he is thinking about what he did instead of ignoring his problems. I pray he comes to his senses right now, apologies, and stops taking me for granted.