Beloved of All
Dear Lord wipe the memories from my mind of the day I was molested. Take away his face from my mind. Take away the memory of how nasty and impure it made me feel. Take away the memory of the red dress with white lace trim that I wore and the white socks and black patten leather shoes. Please remove these memories from my mind so they can no longer have any power over me. I don't want to remember his bedroom or his twin size bed or the way the sun came through the little window in the upper corner of the wall. I was only five and he was ten years older than me so I know he didn't want to marry me or have a life with me plus he was my cousin so he only did what he did out of the sickness of sin and perversion. His mom my aunt was babysitting me that day but I refuse to let that day controll my entire life. I refuse the devil's attacks on my childhood to ruin my adulthood..because I choose to live for Christ. I give my sin stained past and my entire life to Christ and on this day I claim the power of His blood over my life and my memory and Jesus will no longer allow evil to attack my memories of childhood. Today Jesus heals my memories. Please pray for me. Thank you. In Jesus name. Amen.