The earth is heaving as a woman in labor.
1. Most of the fish are dead and contaminated by radiation.
2. There are earthquakes now worldwide more than 400 per day, and increasing in number.
3. People are beginning to die in numbers.
4. Scientists announced that the vaccines for COVID all varieties were made in error to be a pervasive toxin to people that have had them. The Vice President of Pfitzer said that everyone who has them would be dead in 2 years from the time of vaccination.
5. There are now fish and fresh water in the dead sea.
6. The great Euphrates river is now dry.
7. There are new plagues and viruses now worldwide almost on a daily basis.
8. Famine is beginning upon the earth in a way never seen before and a dark horse rides.
9. Man has now mounted upto the heavens in a way never before.
10. Man is attempting to be G_D in creating abominations.
11. We are as in the days of Noah.
There is so much more.
Please watch these things:
6. How Japan is dumping 1m tonnes of radioactive water in the ocean | It's Complicated (this is per day since the tsunami. This is why there are red areas in the fish you eat, and why there are mass mammal and fish deaths in the sea)
7. The entire worldwide trade and supply chain system is about to fail, China is shutdown with a new virus form:
What’s Causing The Container Ship Traffic Jam Clogging Up Global Trade
8. Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report
The list is not complete, there are more than 80 volcanoes erupting worldwide and many running to the sea as the Bible says.
9. Scientists have just said the fault below Mount Olives that is so big, that when it goes off, it will split the mountain in 2: PRESSURE BUILDING ON THE JERUSALEM QUAKE FAULT. ^o^^.^ᵔᴥᵔ^^
The article has been removed....
Repent profoundly, change your heart to a little childs, believe, be baptised by a true believer in running water AND love Jesus enough to DO what HE said to DO. Keep HIS commands. ALL OF THEM. He is the WORD.
Fact: new testament christians worshiped on Saturday, read the Bible.
Jesus said he came not to change the law.....
It has not been updated in 2 years now because of our situation.
1. Most of the fish are dead and contaminated by radiation.
2. There are earthquakes now worldwide more than 400 per day, and increasing in number.
3. People are beginning to die in numbers.
4. Scientists announced that the vaccines for COVID all varieties were made in error to be a pervasive toxin to people that have had them. The Vice President of Pfitzer said that everyone who has them would be dead in 2 years from the time of vaccination.
5. There are now fish and fresh water in the dead sea.
6. The great Euphrates river is now dry.
7. There are new plagues and viruses now worldwide almost on a daily basis.
8. Famine is beginning upon the earth in a way never seen before and a dark horse rides.
9. Man has now mounted upto the heavens in a way never before.
10. Man is attempting to be G_D in creating abominations.
11. We are as in the days of Noah.
There is so much more.
Please watch these things:
7. The entire worldwide trade and supply chain system is about to fail, China is shutdown with a new virus form:
What’s Causing The Container Ship Traffic Jam Clogging Up Global Trade
8. Smithsonian / USGS Weekly Volcanic Activity Report
The list is not complete, there are more than 80 volcanoes erupting worldwide and many running to the sea as the Bible says.
9. Scientists have just said the fault below Mount Olives that is so big, that when it goes off, it will split the mountain in 2: PRESSURE BUILDING ON THE JERUSALEM QUAKE FAULT. ^o^^.^ᵔᴥᵔ^^
The article has been removed....
Repent profoundly, change your heart to a little childs, believe, be baptised by a true believer in running water AND love Jesus enough to DO what HE said to DO. Keep HIS commands. ALL OF THEM. He is the WORD.
Fact: new testament christians worshiped on Saturday, read the Bible.
Jesus said he came not to change the law.....
It has not been updated in 2 years now because of our situation.