Steven Bobb
Beloved of All
For people to overcome obsessions--like with coronavirus. We read that Jesus "went about Jerusalem and all of Galille healing all manner of sickness and all who were oppressed of the devil." He healed deaf, blind, lame, demon posessed. It never said He singled out one problem above all others.If there was only one problem to be deal with,why did the Bible say ALL?Should we overlook people with glaucoma going blind, people with end stage kidney failure, etc.? How about financial problems, where they're about to be homeless ,because some uncompassionate landlord is about to kick them out? Are we to put all our our eggs in one basket,and overlook everything else?Come on. We need to overcome our fixation with one thing at the expense of everthing else. To God, everyones problems count. God gives just as much compassion to a hungry child with an impoverished mother as he does to a coronavirus patient. The obsession is just out of our own fear.It's A problem, but my point is it's not THE ONLY problem. What we should overcome is our phobias.If a few people thought like this I can understand. But it's like everyone but me is phobic about it.The Bible says,"meditate on Godly things. Is being phobic about coronavirus Godly?{"God did not give us the spirit of fear."
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