Aroma Housewares 6 cup (cooked) One touch rice cooker, $19 on Amazon. Goya Yellow Spanish Rice 7oz $2.29, a small bag of white rice $7 max.... that's rice, now all you need is chicken.. A bag of frozen chicken that you can microwave is like $10.. Buy Oven Ready Lasagna-, Oven Ready Steamed Rice, then buy a pack of tupperware containers (3 compartments), I kid you not... meal prep! Make a giant pot of Sphagetti & Meatballs on Sunday and then add it to all your containers!!! Buy a bread at Costco or Eggs at Costco... Toast it and add butter and you have a little side dish for your spaghetti... (eat it all week)..
He likes breakfast? Pancake sausages are $10 for an entire box.... he likes scrambled eggs? it's easy to make...
The thing for me was that I was so sick during pregnancy, and too weak to even lift a pan.. so I ate takeout a lot of the time. Take out food is delicious, but with the economy it is more of a luxury, for me it was survival.. so I got used to it.
Buy a Blood Pressure machine (check your bp) if you are eating out constantly, it is bound to skyrocket your bp. And you do not want to go on medication, (I have been there and I couldn't even function or think on medication). Now that I am feeling better (thank you to all the prayer warriors) I am able to cook but money is tight. SO I will be budgeting! Shein has a budgeting folder for like $4! or check Amazon... it's super easy, then I will be cooking meal preps for the week and at home.
Cooking can be fun, it's hard but it can be fun, watch people you like on YouTube from NickDigiovanni, to Gordon Ramsey, cooking con claudia, Watch videos of cooking and recipes, set aside time to cook together and make it fun. I know it's hard but it can be done.