Beloved of All
for my daughter courtney to be healed from the way the enemy use jamael and for protection for her and my grandkids and for jamael to desire to be save quickly and stop just saying anything to her and tamaya he need to learn to talk more better to them and help them to all love more the way christ does and i pray that they desire to stop wanting my parents if they are to be their for their kids and help them to desire to be more responsible christian parents and stop avoiding their kids and i pray that they fall in love with my grandkids and stop acting like irrisponsible kids if they are and help if michelle is messing around with norman help him to let angie know please donot leave angie in the dark about norman and please donot leave me terri in the dark about me and jerry cause i am so discouraged he made me think he cared which maybe he does but the drug problem has got to go completely and i feel like a fool cause i really love help me to get over quickly of being used and my immediate family knowing about it and not to me seeming to care and if the relationship with courtney and jamael doesnot work out please help my daughter courtney to get on with her life quickly and meet someone else more better