Prayer Warrior
God and jesus that jesus would work through this new psychiatrist and that i respect the new psychiatrist that i could talk to him like when recovering from highschool and that i would also acknowledge his help in all the things i would do in recovery i would ask that i would have agood relationship with him and i would ask for healing of my trust and that i would listen with respect and affirm any healing he has for me and the condition. i know this psychiatrist is a really good guy and i know he also has seen the truth about me already judy gotm yslkinh eiyh mu from the talk that my parents had with jhhim, he believes that i can get better normally with my parents without drugs especially after the incident that i had in the past when i was given improper medicine and i believe so too. i ask for jesus christs help amen.i pray that i would respect my new psychiatrist for help giving up any delusional thoguhts, because alot of my thoughts and delusional things that have been happening are kind of like weaker flash backs from hgihschool i would ask that any of these night mares would simply diminsh without power and i would completely now simply not listen nor have any delusions nor give them any more power or authority in any degree i would also ask for non compulsive stillness amen i never said they could be around so i would ask that i would be helped in this and also i would ask for help because i really want to get back to a state where i didnt have delusion and i would ask that i would get to be a calm normal kid like i was at redlands and before highschool, honestlly it was such a relief to be acalm normal kid like before highschool i ask that i could go back god i am hurting but i would ask that i could help from this new psychiatrist and not only help but it is my deepest wishthat these dumb delusions that say i am evil that i am unworthy of love and that i have sinned against god would simplyget out of my life and not have any power and nthat i would no longer fear or entertain them but that i would be still and that i could calm down and slow down it is my honest prayer that i would not only l listen respectfully but that i would get help respecting this new psychiatrist asnd trusting reality and clm disucssion with God and jesus that jesus would work through this new psychiatrist and that i respect the new psychiatrist that i could talk to him like when recovering from highschool and that i would also acknowledge his help in all the things i would do in recovery i would ask that i would have a good relationship with him and i would ask for healing of my trust and that i would gie upi know this psychiatrist is a really good guy and i know he also has seen the truth aboutme alraedy from the talk that my parents had with jhhim, he believes that i can get better normally without drugs and i believe so too i ask for jesus christ's help amen.
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